Ditlieb Felderer

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Ditlieb Felderer "at one time a prominent Jehovah’s Witness, is known as an early researcher into the physical evidence in every major Holohoax camp in then Communist Eastern Europe. Felderer took over 30,000 photographs of every conceivable detail in the camps. He discovered that there was a swimming pool for the inmates in Auschwitz, modern hospital facilities, including a gynecological section, as well as an orchestra, live theatre, well-stocked library, and sculpting classes. He discovered the musical score of the “Auschwitz Waltz” in the secret archives accessible only with special permission. He found that an intimate role was played by Jehovah Witnesses in the camps, who cooperated with the SS-Administration, and he exposed the lie of the 60,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses killed. (On his initiative and insistence, the inflated number was reduced to 203) [Trial Transcript Vol. 18, 4226 to 4229; 4645]. For his Revisionist work, Felderer was excommunicated – that is, drummed out of the Jehovah Witnesses’ sect. He has been persecuted by the Holohoax Enforcers ever since. Felderer is known for his weird sense of humor and outlandish, offensive cartoons. He believes that deliberate Holohoax liars and history falsifiers should not have their sensibilities spared. This idiosyncrasy of Felderers is being exploited by Holohoax propagandists in counter-attacks against him. Zündel advisor and witness in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holohoax Trials."[1]


Charged, tried, convicted and jailed in Sweden. Vilified in the press. Forced to live in exile.


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