Doug Collins

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Reginald Douglas Collins (8 September 1920 – 29 September 2001) was a British-born Canadian journalist. He served with the British army during the Second World War, and then with the British control commission in postwar occupied Germany. An award-winning journalist, he worked for several Canadian daily newspapers. His career also included work in television and radio. He was the author of several books.

In 1997, a complaint against him was brought before the British Columbia Human Rights Commission for a column in which Collins questioned the Holohoax and denounced Schindler's List, which he derided as "Swindler's List," as propaganda. The case was dismissed. A further complaint was laid in 1999 citing four of his columns, including the column raised in the previous complaint. This one was upheld, and Collins and his publisher were ordered to pay $2,000 in damages. The complaint was upheld upon appeal.

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