Elmer J. Garner

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Elmer J. Garner (January 1, 1864 - May 4, 1944) of Wichita, Kansas was the editor of Publicity and a defendant in the Great Sedition Trial of 1944. He was born in Tama County, Iowa.[1]

He began his career as a publisher in the late eighteenth century and continued until his death in 1944. In 1890 he was part of the Farmers Alliance movement and later became a follower of the "old Christian Right" associating with Dr. John R. Brinkley and Rev. Gerald B. Winrod.

He published Farmers Advance which is considered to the first Populist newspaper in Kansas. His supported prohibition, nativism, and isolationism. He also took anti-British, anti-Catholic, and anti-Semitic positions. On economics issues he supported free silver Democrats like William Jennings Bryan.

In 1930 he started a four page weekly called Publicity. Previously he published Malvern Review in 1925. He supported Roosevelt until his run for a third term and later opposed FDR and the jews around him.[2]

Sedition trial

"Pop" Garner as he was known at the infamous sedition trial was in his 80s and deaf. He never heard a word of the proceedings and died three weeks after the trial began. The prosecutor sent his body back to his widow in a pine box, naked. [3]

One individual who was outraged by the treatment of Elmer Garner was Senator William Langer, Republican from North Dakota. He spoke about the victim on the floor of the Senate.

“A little old gentleman of 83, almost stone deaf, with three great-grandchildren. After he lost the mailing permit for his little weekly paper, he lived with his aged wife through small donations, keeping a goat and a few chickens and raising vegetables on his small home plot.
“Held in the [Washington, D.C.] jail for several weeks, for lack of bond fees, and finally impoverished by three indictments and forced trips and stays in Washington, he died alone in a Washington rooming house early in this trial, with 40 cents in his pocket. His body was shipped naked in a wooden box to his ailing, impoverished widow, his two suits and typewriter being held, so that clothing had to be purchased for his funeral. That is one of the dangerous men about whom we have been hearing so much.”[4]

His attorneys were Henry H. Klein and Marvin F. Blachoff[5]

Elmer Garner was first cousin to FDR's first Vice President John Nance Garner.[6]


  • Messages to the Masses


  • Time To Dismantle the jewish 'Gestapo'
  • How The New Deal Will End (1943)

See also

External link


  1. Encyclopedia of the Great Plains, by David J. Wishart, page 711
  2. Encyclopedia of the Great Plains, by David J. Wishart, page 711
  3. The Great Sedition Trial of 1944: A Personal Memoir
  4. A Mockery of Justice: The Great Sedition Trial of 1944
  5. “Defendant Found Dead” Pittsburg Post-Gazette, May 5, 1944
  6. http://www.rense.com/general84/klein.htm Henry H. Klein American Anti-Zionist Martyr
