Golden Dawn

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Golden Dawn is a Fascist, fascist political party in Greece that was first developed by Nikolaos Michaloliakos as an organization in 1985 later becoming a political party in 1993. Golden Dawn had rose to power during Greece's financial crisis of 2009, becoming the third most popular party in the Greek parliament since the January 2015 election. Its support has dropped since it failed to enter parliament in the 2019 election.


Nikolaos began the foundations of what would become Golden Dawn in 1980, when he published the first issue of his journal by the name Chrysi Avgi. In this context, Golden Dawn had its original idea in the movement that could move toward a return to traditional Greek values.

Golden Dawn memorializes both Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. they have also expressed admiration for the former Greek leaders Ioannis Metaxas of the 4th of August administration (1936–1941) and Georgios Papadopoulos of the administration of the Colonels (1967–1974). they also use symbolism which is very similar to that of traditional Greek decoration, and they have also praised many figures of the Axis powers from WWAC . Golden Dawn has also supported the idea of the creation of a Greater Greece, and they have been strongly critical of the European Union, they are traditionalist and oppose immigration. The party is also Eurosceptic and also anti-globalist. On fiscal issues they are protectionist. they are pro-White.