Heathens United Against Racism

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Typical HUAR propaganda utilizing the image generated by otherjewsof "hateful" "thuggish" "racists" to try to morally pressure people into supporting their anti-European existence objectives. Seen here in this screenshot these jewsof HUAR attempt to engage in electoral interference against another country. HUAR, in this picture from their facebook page, can be seen supporting an effort to try to morally manipulate people in the UK into voting to remain in the EU.

HUAR is a now largely defunct jew-run faux-paganist group. they do not promote fascism or even Paganism. they rely on a network of other faux-fascist groups to portray the negative image they associate with racial awareness. We cannot overlook the morally depraved depths and falsehoods these degenerate HUAR types are willing to stoop to and engage in to make European racial continued existence out to be a bad cause. The leadership are all admittedjewsand non-Pagans. they support various campaigns and bodies (such as the EU, ADL, etc) that have nothing to do with heathenry under the pretext of being heathens. they are basically a failed influencer attempt of inserting jewry into heathenry social circles online.


Various Asatru Facebook and social media-only pages that fall for the manipulation/pressure of associating with HUAR.


  • HUAR is an anti-white, anti-Heathen group of primarily Canadian jews /philo-semites claiming to be heathens.
  • HUAR is a primarily facebook and social media based (paper tiger) group of self-proclaimed anti-racist activists targetting emerging heathen groups.

Take aways

  • HUAR is a group of Canadian jews intent on disrupting the naturally folkish heathen movement.
  • they in fact appear to be a group of hypocritical, transparently obvious loxist Canadianjewslaughably claiming to be "heathens". No one believes them or works with them except other jews running other fake heathen groups.
  • Seeing who supports HUAR is a good litmus test to apply, to determine which heathen groups are fake.
