Hitler Pedophile Myth

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The Hitler Pedophile Myth is a made up false conspiracy that Adolf Hitler was secretely a pedophile who so called had "secret sexual attraction to children" during his rise to power. It is a false myth that was spread by his adversaries. It has been proven to be false through historical documents and Hitler's writings where it is clear that he despised the concept of pedophilia and was an avid anti-pedophile. The myth itself was created to slander him and the National Socialist Movement as being a group of deviants and perverts. It is pure propaganda and disinformation. Adolf loved his people and was never a minor attracted person.


When it comes to evidence against the myth that Adolf Hitler was a pedophile, one of the most convincing forms of evidence is his writings and his own personal account of the idea of pedophilia and his disgust for it. In his writings and in the book "Table Talks" Hitler expressed his strong opposition and disgust towards pedophilia. He spoke extensively about how he hated pedophiles and how evil it was for a man to prey upon a young child. This was further reinforced by his personal hatred for the Catholic Church which had a long history of endorsing and practicing pedophilia.

In Reality

Back in Hitlers Third Reich pedophilia was banned and punishable. Anyone who was caught flirting with and expressing sexual ideas with a minor would immediately be thrown in prison and sentenced.