Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg is a jewish shock journalist best known for writing the book "Liberal Fascism".
Early life and education
An Orthodox jew, he grew up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, the son of the wealthy and well-connected Lucianne and Sidney Goldberg, both jews. After barely graduating high school in 1987, he attended Goucher College in Baltimore — a small, expensive liberal arts college that had been women-only until the year before Goldberg’s arrival. He could land in the Ivy League with his daddy's power, but Goucher had an insane female-to-male ratio.
Early Career
His career in political punditry really began after his mother played a central role in the Clinton-Lewinsky affair. At the time, Goldberg wrote:
“My mother was the one who advised Linda Tripp to record her conversations with Monica Lewinsky and to save the dress. I have zero desire to have those arguments again. I did my bit in the trenches of Clinton’s trousers.”
—Jonah Goldberg
Liberal Fascism
'Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left.'
The false claim on his second book jacket that he was a “two-time Pulitzer prize nominee” does not fall into the category of overstated bluster. It is simply a lie. In fact, Goldberg has never been a Pulitzer finalist, not that he hasn’t tried. His writing is little more than pandering to CivNats who cower at the word "fascism".
The book reads like this; Some Fascists were vegetarians; some liberals are vegetarians; ergo... Some Fascists were gay; some liberals are gay; ergo. Fascists cared about educating children; Hillary Clinton cares about educating children. Aha!...etc.
There are an overabundance of footnotes d3signed to make the book appear scholarly, but they are put in the service of an argument that no one with any knowledge offascismwould take seriously.
Goldberg has drawn a kind of history in absurdly broad and comically wrongheaded strokes. It is not just history done badly, or mere revisionism. It's a caricature of reality, like something from a comic-book alternative universe: Bizarro history. Goldberg isn't content to simply create an oxymoron; this entire enterprise, in fact, is classic Newspeak.
Liberal Fascism is little more than a chance to profit from political revenge. Like Dinesh D'Souss, he is profiting off of CivNats and Boomers who are tired of being call "Fascist" by AntiFa types.
"apparently written with a paint roller and a richly footnoted loogie hawked by Goldberg at every liberal who ever loosely called him a fascist. Goldberg ignored historical facts relating to his accusations against Woodrow Wilson. It seems that Wilson was a Progressive, and Goldberg sees in the Progressive movement the seedbed of Americanfascismwhich, he argues, differs from European fascism, especially on those occasions when he needs it to differ because he has backed up the argument over his own feet. Anyway, Wilson brought the country into The Great War. Therefore, Progressives love war."
—Charles P. Pierce, Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free
The Dispatch
He asserts that his expensive newsletter is “informed by conservative principles,” and indeed, some of his crew have resisted having their conservative perspective adulterated by the Beltway Leftmedia echo chamber. His newsletter reads like an editorial product of The Washington Post, which has devolved into nothing more than a Leftmedia political tabloid under the ownership of Jeff Bezos.