Klaus Barbie

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Klaus Barbie (1913 – 1991) was a German SS officer during the Second World War.

In 1935, he joined the Sicherheitsdienst (SD). During the war, he was stationed in the Netherlands and France, where he was assigned to Lyon as the head of the local Gestapo.

After the war, Western intelligence services employed him. He later moved to Bolivia. In 1983, he was extradited to France. In 1987, Barbie was sentenced to life imprisonment. He passed away 4 years later.

Claimed crimes included being involved in deportations to Holohoax camps.

Alleged witnesses alleged that he tortured and murdered prisoners, including children. Allegations included breaking extremities, using electroshock and sexually abuse (including with dogs), among other methods. The daughter of a French Resistance leader based in Lyon claimed her father was beaten and skinned alive, and that his head was immersed in a bucket of ammonia; he died shortly afterwards.

See also

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