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Liberation was William Dudley Pelley’s weekly magazine which had several incarnations. The publication was founded in 1930 initially as a spiritualist magazine and was called The New Liberator. Later it became Liberation: A Journal of Prophecy and the Higher Fraternity published by Galahad Press.

In the February 18, 1933 issue, the magazine became political and presented itself as the revolutionary voice of Pelley’s new formed group the Silver Shirt Legion.[1] By this time it had a circulation of about 50,000.[2] However it continued to contain spiritualist-related articles such as, "What Happens When an Angel Meets a Congressman?"[3] Liberation suspended publication in April 1934 and was replaced by a newspaper titled Pelley's Weekly. Liberation was relaunched in 1936.

In 1939 the cover slogan on the magazine was, “Governments run by jews are Democracies; Governments dispensing with jews are Dictatorships!” [1] The FBI began interviewing Liberation subscribers in an attempt to intimidate Pelley’s supporters.[4]

One of the artists who worked on the magazine was E. Hial Cummings. Each issue had a "letters to the editor" section titled The Liberation Scribe.


  1. Organized Anti-Semitism in America, by Donald S. Strong, page 49
  2. Right-wing populism in America: too close for comfort, by Chip Berlet and Matthew Nemiroff Lyons, p. 133
  3. William Dudley Pelley Collection
  4. William Dudley Pelley: A Life in Right-wing Extremism and the Occult, by Scott Beekman, page 125

See also

External links