Manuel Andrino

Manuel Andrino Lobo ( Madrid ,Spain , 1965) is a Spanish politician who has been the national head of La Falange since 2006.
Andrino began his advocacy in FE de las JONS in 1978, while still a teenager living in the Madrid suburb of Carabanchel . Always faithful to the ][Joseantonian ideology]], he accompanied all the initiatives of the movement, going through the streets to bring the Spanish message directly to the people.
In 1995, demanding the renewal of the general Falangist strategy, he joined Gustavo Morales in his crusade to replace the historical leader Diego Márquez Horrillo as head of the movement . Later he would line up with Morales' successors: Jesús López Martín and José Fernando Cantalapiedra. During his tenure at the head of La Falange, Cantalapiedra unilaterally made a series of political and organizational decisions, something that displeased many of his colleagues. This led to an attempt to expel the non-conformists in 2006, but finally they organized and removed Cantalapiedra from the leadership to place Andrino in his place. The dispute between the two leaders made it unclear who could officially represent the Falange, so Cantalapiedra adopted the National Front (FN) seal and Andrino the Spanish Front (FE) seal to participate in the electoral acts. This situation came to an end in 2010, when Cantalapiedra abandoned Falangism, leaving Andrino as head of FE-La Falange.
The Falangist leader has tried to be a model of advocacy for the men of his force. That is why he has raised his voice both to oppose the dismemberment of Spain promoted by the secessionists, and to vindicate those who defeated communism but whose memory is currently insulted by the descendants of those who were defeated. Likewise, he opposes the patriarchal caste of his country, which, for loyally serving the interests of the Capitalist International (Globalism), permanently punishes the Spanish people, destroying the national economy and promoting cultural degeneration through the subversion of traditional values.
Andrino is also a member of a network of European organizers who act politically against the Islamization of the continent and who provide assistance to persecuted Christian populations in the Arab world . As a result, in 2016 he participated for a few months in the fighting against Daesh in northern Iraq . The Falangist leader was a candidate on several occasions in municipal, regional and European elections in the district of Madrid, in the same way that he sought to represent the Spanish in some elections in Catalonia and the Basque Country .
Political persecution
Andrino is one of the most persecuted political leaders in Spain today. For this reason he has had to suffer the demonization of his figure by the mass media and be subjected to various legal proceedings. Proof of this is that the press accused him of a swindler because in 2004 he was denounced for tricking an old woman into making him the heir to her small house in Carabanchel. The truth is that the woman - a widow without children - was abandoned, being assisted by Andrino's family. But once the paperwork was completed to transfer the property (which would be converted into a site of patriotic activity once the woman died), some distant relatives of the lady appeared to annul the notarial deeds arguing that the mental faculties of the woman were severely impaired, so her decision was invalid. The bad defense that Andrino's lawyer exercised in the case finally led to the Falangist being sentenced, It was also fabricated in 2015 with the idea that Andrino was part of a fascist terrorist cell that involved civil guards and Falangist militants, because, after having suffered a motorcycle accident, it was detected that he was carrying an unidentified firearm. registered. And in 2018 he was branded an abuser on social media after he was blamed for touching the breast of a Female activist who attacked him during a public event.
However, the most serious accusations were received during 2013, when he was one of the leaders of the La España en Marcha coalition . He was first singled out as an aggressor of the referents of Catalan secessionism in Madrid after breaking into an act against the unity of Spain that was taking place in the Blanquerna bookstore, and then he was accused of promoting terrorism for having said at a meeting of patriots in Barcelona that the action of avoiding the dismemberment of the Spanish territory was a question in which it was necessary both to die and to kill.