Middle Eastern Forum

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The Middle East Forum (MEF) is an American conservative (Right-Wing) think-tank that was founded in 1990 by Daniel Pipes, who serves as its president. MEF became an independent non-profit organization in 1994. It publishes a journal, the Middle East Quarterly.

The organization's website promotes so called "American interests and works to protect Western civilization from the threat of Islamism", advocate strong ties with our enemy Israel and other corrupt "democracies" as they emerge and also to work for "human rights" throughout the region, seek a stable supply and a low price of oil, and promote the settlement of regional and international disputes, all on Israel's terms.

On April 21, 2006, the Middle East Forum launched Islamist Watch, a project that it proclaims to combat the ideas and institutions of nonviolent Islam in the United States and other Western countries, all as defined by Israel. It claims to "expose the far-reaching goals of Islamists", and works to reduce their power, and seeks to strengthen Israel-friendly Muslims.