National Socialist Germany's nuclear weapons program

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That National Socialist Germany had a nuclear weapons program is accepted by conventional history but it is described as unsuccessful.


Several revisionist books have argued that National Socialist Germany actually succeeded in developing and testing the prototypes of a small nuclear device as well as a delivery system, the long-range A9/A10 missile whose characteristics and capabilities were comparable to the later U.S. Titan II. Tests are stated to have occurred on the island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea and in Ohrdruf in Thuringia. The first is stated to have occurred on 12 October 1944.[1][2][3]

Several hundred people (mostly from a nearby concentration camp) who were used as support personnel are stated to have been killed by one of the tests. This has been argued to have caused those involved in these tests to not speak openly about their work due to fear of being accused of war crimes.[1]

These tests were several months before the American test that occurred on 16 July 1945.


To this day, there is a cloak of secrecy over National Socialist Germany’s nuclear weapons program.[4]

However, other WWII revisionists have argued that neither Germany nor Japan were close to an atomic bomb.[5]


They took me to a concrete bunker with an aperture of exceptionally thick glass. There was a slight tremor in the bunker; a sudden, blinding flash, and then a thick cloud of smoke. It took the shape of a column and then that of a big flower.

The officials there told me we had to remain in the bunker for several hours because of the effects of the bomb. When we eventually left, they made us put on a sort of coat and trousers which seemed to me to be made of asbestos and we went to the scene of the explosion.

The effects were tragic. The trees around had been turned to carbon. No leaves. Nothing alive. There were some animals - sheep - in the area and they too had been burnt to cinders.

From Italian war correspondent Luigi Romersa who visited German weapons production facilities as an envoy of Mussolini. He stated he witnessed a nuclear weapon test on October 12, 1944, on the island of Reugen in the Baltic.[6]

On March 4, 1945, Clare Werner was standing on a hillside in Thuringian, Germany. Not too far away was the military training base near the town of Ohrdruf. Unexpectedly there was a flash of light. "I suddenly saw something," she said, " ... it was as bright as hundreds of bolts of lightning, red on the inside and yellow on the outside, so bright you could've read the newspaper. It all happened so quickly, and then we couldn't see anything at all. We just noticed there was a powerful wind..., from Hitler's Bombe by Rainer Karlsch.

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