National Socialist World

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National Socialist World was the ideological journal of the World Union of National Socialists and its affiliate the American Nazi Party--later renamed the National Socialist White People’s Party. The first issue appeared in the Spring 1966 and was edited by Dr. William L. Pierce, a former physics professor. The publication was a quarterly and would have a run of only six issues, the last one being in 1968. The publication had an appeal to a well-educated elite, each issue having over a hundred pages. Individual copies were $2.50 each; a year subscription for four issues was $10.

Three thousand copies were initially printed and a promotional mailing was sent to libraries, news agencies, and some prominent right-wing politicians. The mailing generated a hundred and twenty subscriptions--an estimate of one positive response for every twenty-five. [1]


Number 1, Spring 1966 edition[2]

  • "National Socialism: A Philosophical Appraisal" – editor, Colin Jordan
  • "From Ivory Tower to Privy Wall: On the Art of Propaganda" – editor, George Lincoln Rockwell
  • "The Lighting and the Sun" (new edition) – editor, Savitri Devi
  • Book Reviews by Ivan Lippoff: Lord Haw-Haw and William Joyce by J. A. Cole; Hitler: A Study in Tyranny by Alan Bullock

Number 5, Winter 1967

Winter 1968

  • Revolution & Legality [2] by Dr. William Pierce



Black Sun by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, page 14

See also