Neighborhood Watch (Comedy Group)

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Neighborhood Watch are a group of National Socialists that started on February 6, 2021 to spread humor around for their content, they used to go on Omegle and act goofy around random people they encounter whether them being normies, Left Wingers, Right Wingers, whatever. they also used to do "White Power Cooking Hour" as another one of their content for their viewers to learn how to prepare certain dishes. they spread National Socialism with a positive message and leave information on tips for activism to prevent others like yourself from being doxxed, what to do when you are active, and how to get started, etc.

Activity with another NS group

One of the members of Neighborhood Watch called in one time to the National Socialist Movement's radio show and spoke with Burt Colucci and asked to subscribe to them and vote for "Niggas Kissin".

Website Activities

Neighborhood Watch were once active on Gab but suddenly stopped posting for a certain reason and were then seen posting more on Telegram.

Meaning of the group by quote

"We started off just doing omegle trolling for fun, and toyed with the idea of recording it and making a channel. We matched with CodcomedyTJ one day, and our newly created channel blew up instantly.Our goal is to promote hardcore National Socialism with a fun, goofy edge that appeals to youth. There's plenty of high-level intellectual literature out there, but there needs to be fun introductory material for beginners to get them interested & seek out the higher level stuff."