Opinion - 1. Revisionism

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Opinion - 1.Revisionism

"The word “revisionism” is derived from the Latin word “revidere,” which means to view again. The revision of long-held

theories is entirely normal. It occurs in the natural sciences as well as the social sciences, to which the discipline of History belongs. Science is not a static condition. It is a process, specifically the creating of knowledge by searching for evidence. When ongoing research finds new evidence, or when critical researchers discover mistakes in old explanations, it often happens that old theories have to be changed or even abandoned. By “revisionism” we mean critically examining established theories and hypotheses in order to test their validity. Scientists need to know when new evidence modifies or contradicts old theories; indeed, one of their obligations is to test time-honored conceptions and attempt to refute them. Only in an open society in which individuals are free to challenge prevailing theories can we ascertain the validity of these theories, and be confident that we are approaching the truth. The famous science philosopher Sir Karl Popper once expressed it as follows:

“The demand for scientific objectivity makes it inevitable that every scientific statement must remain tentative forever. It may indeed be corroborated, but every corroboration is relative. […] it is not his possession of knowledge, of irrefutable truth, that makes the man a scientist, but his persistent and reckless critical quest for truth. […]

Those among us who are unwilling to expose their ideas to the hazard of refutation do not take part in the scientific game.”


Admin Note: I am posting this, as it is becoming increasingly obvious, day by day, that the #TalmudicMafia, (incredibly well-funded, with a direct line to the Hundred Dollar bill printing press), is increasingly moving heaven & earth to portray 'Revisionism', and 'Historical Revisionism', (never mind 'Holohoax Revisionism'), as something inherently evil. The argument is incessantly brought up that to ask even the most basic questions about the Holohoax? Is somehow 'disrespectful' to the suffering survivors. That it cruelly opens old wounds, and causes great anxiety and suffering among already traumatized jews.

Or even threatens their physical safety, if you believe the ADL.

They dress it up very nicely.

But, hang on, hang on. We can ask questions about God, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, or, alternatively, depending on your tipple, even about Michelle Obama's biological sex? But, oh, woe betide you, if you bring a 50 cent pocket calculator (free with five gallons of gas) to Holohoax class?

C'mon. That's just silly.

But look at what just happened in Canada. You'll go to jail. Just like most of Europe. Wouldn't they just love to bring that in here, in the good old US of A.

Historical Revisionism, including Holohoax Revisionism, is a perfectly legitimate, respectable, decent, moral, upstanding study to pursue.

It's the right thing to do, too. Whatever our enemies, loudly, hysterically, with the full backing of petty little tyrants like Justin Castro Trudeau, so fiercely claim to the contrary.

F.M. 🚁