Opinion - A man should love his Liberty

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Through the storm

A man should love his Liberty.

As precious as his Life, itself.

Whether he call himself a Seeker, a Dreamer, or a Patriot?

A National Socialist? Or a Fascist?

He should love his Liberty.

A man should love his Liberty.

He should guard it, vigilantly.

Beware of those who seek brutal dominion, over his mind.

He should love his Liberty.

The way ahead is not always clear.

In the blizzard of ideas, the daily overload,

of competing claims, the staccato hammering,

of false apostles. The lies presented as Gospel,

the false smiles, of demons, armed, with hidden knives.

I ask you not, to follow me

or even believe, a word I say?

I ask you, humbly, to cherish instead

the restless whirring, in your head...


