Opinion - Adolf Hitler: "Your amazement was great the next day..."

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Adolf Hitler: "your amazement was great the next day"

Some of Hitler's quotes are revealing, and not without a subtle humor.

As is the case with the one below.

There is a fundamental difference between the White Man, Homo Sapiens, and the jew, Homo Judeacus. The White Man, poor fellow, is at an evolutionary disadvantage, on account of a trait that gets him into all sorts of trouble.


To wit: his conscience.

The jew, with few exceptions, is not troubled by such a nicety. Indeed, he has a vast array of tricksters' manuals available to him, and how-to-deceive-gullible-Goyim practical guides.

All, I might add, cunningly disguised as the 'Holy Books' of the 'only true religion'.

The jew is a born liar. The White Man, if caught out in a lie? Feels shame. He will be hesitant to try the lie again. Not so, the jew.

A case in point, and a revealing example, is the First Trial of Ernst Zundel, in Canada, in 1985. Raul Hilberg was brought in as the foremost expert witness for the prosecution against Ernst Zundel. The accolades that accompanied Hilberg were Universal: the world's foremost Holohoax expert, widely feted and admired in the jewish community. Recipient of every conceivable award known to Man.


Ernst Zundel's barrister, Douglas Christie, reduced Hilberg to week-old, chopped mince meat. Forcing Hilberg to admit that he was 'at a loss' to produce any evidence that even one single jew had been 'gassed', anywhere.

Hilberg was so rattled that he didn't even DARE turn up for the second Zundel trial, in 1988.


Now if that had been the White Man so trounced and humiliated? Say, Ernst Zundel? The Talmudic Gutter Press would have played it 24/7, in glorious technicolor, wall-to-wall, coast-to-coast, Earth-to-Mars, for weeks. But as it was a jewish defeat? The Holohoax shown up for the ridiculous scam it was, and is? The matter was quietly dropped, and left to decay naturally...

But did this tremendous defeat for the 'Six Million jews', even for one second, arrest the wailing and the kvetching? The demands for ever greater Holohoax reparations? The demands for ever stronger laws against Holohoax denial and anti-Semitism?

No, of course not.

And this is where we may turn to the tremendous insight, and picturesque description of the jew, by Adolf Hitler himself.

"Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime, which divided up, and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment, collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off the same old nonsense, as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck..."

I submit, without 'hate', just with some coldness, that the 'Six Million jews' myth would have long since collapsed into a derisible mockery of an attempted fraud, if the jew had possessed a fraction of the integrity of the White Man.
