Opinion - Dangerous Parallels

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Dangerous parallels

There are some dangerous parallels we can see -today- that fascinate many of us. All in such vivid technicolor. Unfolding, daily, before my disbelieving Irish eyes. Here is one such. One of several. Weimar Germany (this is not taught in American schools) was a clear example of how the German people, prior to Adolf Hitler, were effectively, hopelessly, disenfranchised, mocked, and could see their will, their culture, their Christian faith, their morals, trodden into the mud. And spat on. Sound familiar? The perpetrators of this outrage? Well now.

Les Juifs, comme toujours. The very same #TalmudicMafia. Who are pulling the exact same stunt. Today, in America.

Oh, you say? "How anti-Semitic! Hate speech! Hate speech! How terrible that this man can utter such libel!" Oi vey! Eh? Well. Before you speed dial Jonathan Greenblatter, (my favorite ADL gargoyle), let's see if I'm just making this up. 'Black Moth' nails it nicely in the often-banned, super-infamous video below, and if you take three tiny minutes out of your little life, and start at the 7 minute mark? You too can quickly run through the statistics. Fascipedia couldn't handle the size of this file, but it's part of my post on GAB, here: Black Moth

1) jews in Germany during the Weimar mess? Were only 500,000 out of a German population of sixty million. The speaker in the video says that's "2%" of the German population, but my fifty cent pocket calculator (free with five gallons of gas), calculates that out at less than "1%". Regardless, they owned 50% of the Media bullhorn, and the movies. they constituted a mind-blowing 70% of the Judges, and were heavily into drama & theater. By any stretch of any imagination, even mine, they were vastly over represented. Just like today.

2) Now you may ask, how the heck did they manage that? How do they manage it today? Is it their (modestly) often-claimed superior IQ? After all, Rabbi Harry Waton (see meme attached) does -humbly- make the claim that jews are "the highest and most cultured people on earth". So, do they own what they deserve, through hard work and brilliance?

Well, from 1870 to 1930 there took place a galloping TON of spectacular, highly organized, terribly accidental, mega jewish bank failures. Shades of FTX and the Fried Bank Man. Oops. I mean, Sam Bankman-Fried.

A cynic would say there was nothing accidental about all these failures. And that it was all just downright rip-off fraud. The fact is that millions of German fathers lost their savings. Somehow or another? These terribly accidental bank failures kept repeating, and the jewish judges seemed unable to effectively nail the jewish gangster culprits.

In addition, when impoverished German business owners were forced to sell out, at bargain basement prices? The buyer, if he was a jew, had no problem raising capital, either at home in Germany, or from foreign jewish lenders. #TagTeamTorah, the world's biggest nepotism racket, saw to it that a smoking bargain could always be snapped up. So you may wonder if it was less a case of intelligence, and more a case of a massive international racketeering Mafia, with no holds barred, in their plunder & pillage campaign against the lowly German vermin goyim. In the words of Menachem Begin, the convicted hotel bomber? "Other races are considered as human excrement". (see attached meme)

3) Weimar Germany was heavy with decadence, immorality, and the ritual, routine, mocking of Christianity. This understandably infuriated the German people. And what is it we see today? In the good old US of A? Same-same.

From 1933 to 1935, Hitler created millions and millions of jobs. Without the jews, without their banks, their finance power, their crony judges, and their pivotal involvement in the yummy honey pot. And their sticky fingers. Is it any wonder they hated Adolf Hitler, and declared war on Germany? The jews declared war on Germany first. Not the other way around. Remember what Churchill said? (meme below)

We are today? Living under same-same Weimar America. Hold your breath, and fasten your seat belts. There goes my tail rotor. Just passed by my cockpit window.

It's going to be a bumpy ride.

