Opinion - Hey you Christians!

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Hey, you Christians!

I unashamedly hold the Creator of the Universe in awe.


His works are amazing, His mind unfathomable. I have two Bibles sitting here, dog-eared, and battered. My King James I've owned since I was twenty. I'm no Atheist. When my time comes, I shall knock on the outer door of the Great Hall, and proceed timidly, with cap in hand. Wondering what the Quiet Wisdom, waiting patiently for me, will make of my application. Knowing full well, that there are no secrets. The truth? In all its technicolor glory? Or simply hurled gaudily at the wall? Will be shouted, from the roof tops. I flinch, already.

So far, so good. Now for the 'but'. So many of you? By no means all?

Tick me the hell OFF. I'd far rather be wrecked -for years- on a desert island with an honest Atheist, a searching Agnostic, than some of you pompous, look-at-ME!, I'm-saved-and-you-are-NOT (Ha-ha!), perambulating, holy posers. Shallow doesn't even begin to describe you. How many of you have been on here, tut-tutting, grand-standing, and moralizing? Corrie ten Boom this, and Hitler bad that? Oh, my, Israel SO good, we love the jews, America's best ally, and Nazis bad-bad-bad? And YOU, Moggy? You really bad! You retard! You evil! You need to read a book!

Oh, get a fk'n grip! That's what so much of your super saved, holy-holy, plasticized faux religiosity has done to what's left of your mind. It's turned it into useless pulp. God gave us spades to DIG with, not lean on. He gave us a mind to think with, using discretion, not a squishy mush, to meekly follow the oh-so-saved, meckering herd with! If you do ANY amount of research -at ALL- you will come across endless howling anomalies in the traditional 'Six Million jews' extortion scam. You've got to have the IQ of a bored salamander, if you want to tell me you can't find any. Poppycock.

There are thousands of paid liars, crisis actors, and charlatans, overwhelmingly, but not exclusively jewish, who derive material and/or psychological benefit from perpetuating the Ho-ho farce. There are libraries full of lies, well-funded, baskets of Hollywood weepy-weepies, and endless preachers who will wail and anguish from the pulpit, with little to no serious reading to underpin their de rigueur, popular, churchey theater.

One book? Corrie ten Boom? One movie? (please don't tell me about Schindler's List?) (I'll burst into tears) Does not give you any more than one pixel of the overall picture. It's been a long time since I read "The Hideaway", but I don't recall it proving, or even alleging homicidal gas chambers. Or mentioning that the jews declared war on Germany going back to 1934? And tried to sabotage the German economy? Their sadistic role in the Weimar Republic's debauchery and blatant exploitation of the German people? Their endlessly undermining, hostile, anti-German stance on the international stage? Instead, it's all weepy-weepy, oh-what-a-hero, the joy of standing up for some idyllic notion of what it means to be a 'Christian'...

America, and Europe, are relentlessly being driven to edge of the abyss. And there's you, convinced of your halo, kissing the hand that whips you, robs you, blinds you, and holds you in venomous, cold contempt.

F.M. 🚁 🚁