Opinion - Rat-tat-tat no.1

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Rat-tat-tat no.1

Le as-king of pesky questions

“Is asking questions a crime? If you develop doubts about the Holohoax, isn’t the only way to get rid of these doubts the asking of… (gasp! Shudder!)… basic questions?”

—tipsy Moggy

A lot of individuals and groups happily (and often sarcastically) question absolutely anything in the world. No target too sacred! None! Zero! Nada! Zip!

From Jesus to Mohammad, flat earth to pink, winged aliens. Prancing Unicorns to the existence of Big Foot. Dark Matter. Complex Life spontaneously popping up in smelly, primordial puddles. Do women have any trace of a working mind? Does Michelle Obama have a (Hm, hm, hm)? If so, how come she was ‘woman of the year’? Who signs off on this codswhallop? Why do jews compete feverishly to suck baby dicks? Why doesn’t the US have an extradition treaty with Israel? Why does Trumpy-baby want us to love Israel MORE? More billions?

Literally every swinging hooh-la-cailey, bogwhoodle issue from here to the Damascus red light district? Is up for grabs, grope, and discussion. Even lustful procreation.

Except. EXCEPT. (oh, my) (shudders)

The barking-farcical, laugh-a-minute, Holohoax for dummies, Boomers, & Bible belt retards.

They are (or pretend to be) SO furiously enraged, if you DARE ask even the most basic question, about the Holohoax. Or bring a 50 cent pocket calculator (free with 5 gallons of gas) to Holohoax class. Does that make any sense? Or are they just hiding something? (even, a lot??)

Duh, Bible belt. Duh, fellow Boomers.

Let's try and all get a grip here, shall we.
