Opinion - The Holohoax

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The Holohoax

Oh, buckle up, Gabbers! We've got ourselves a holocaust conspiracy theorist who thinks he's got a witty argument.

Yes, I am talking about myself! Read on.

The Narrative

So, according the narrative, the orthodox holocaust story is just a big ol’ magic trick, like a disappearing act on steroids. Apparently, we're supposed to believe that millions of people were slaughtered in these killing factories, but oopsie-daisy, no evidence left behind! No bones, no teeth, no ashes, absolutely nothing! It's like the world's creepiest clean-up crew went in and wiped everything away. Talk about a major league cover-up!

Oh, but wait, it gets even better! The Allies, with their vast network of spies and informers (including Admiral Canaris, the head of the German intelligence),  apparently had no clue about this massive genocide until the war was practically over. Seriously? Come on, folks, we're supposed to buy that load of baloney? The same folks who could track down a three-legged stray cat would somehow miss this colossal atrocity happening right under their noses. Sure, thing!

Rewriting History

And let's not forget the cherry on top of this ludicrous sundae. "Historians" are suggesting that the jews in Poland, the very heart of the holocaust, were somehow clueless about the gas chambers in Auschwitz until August 1944. jews from the Lodz ghetto would not have gone to Auschwitz voluntarily, which is precisely what they did, as related by Raul Hilberg in his standard work about the holocaust (Die Vernichtung der europaeischen Juden, p. 543/544)

It's like saying they accidentally RSVP'd to a barbecue while not realizing it was actually a death sentence. Classic mix-up!

Holohoax as Religion

But hold onto your hats, because now we're diving into straight-up conspiracy territory. Apparently, theoh-so-clever Zionist-controlled Western democracies can't handle these revisionist arguments, so they respond by censoring and resorting to brute force. The jews are turning the holocaust into a full-blown religion. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, forget your Christianity, your Islam, your judaism, because holocaust museums and monuments are the new religious hotspots. And the survivors like Elie Wiesel? They've become the high priests of this new faith. Hallelujah!

But oh, don't you dare ask any critical questions about the holocaust. That's blasphemy, folks! Those questions apparently cause "immense distress" to the poor, eternal victims of persecution. We wouldn't want to ruin their day, now would we?



Well, well, well, look who's stirring up controversy! Claude Lanzmann, the  French Zionist propagandist, is really putting on a show with his film Shoah, the Hebrew word for "catastrophe". He's not exactly shy about his agenda either apparently, his plan is to replace Christianity with this holocaust cult of his. Talk about ambitious!

"If Auschwitz is something other than a horror of history, then Christianity totters in its foundations. Christ is the Son of God, who went to the end of the humanely endurable, where he endured the cruellest suffering. ... If Auschwitz is true, then there is a human suffering with which that of Christ simply cannot be compared. ...  In this case, Christ is false, and salvation will not come from him. ... Auschwitz is the refutation of Christ." (Les temps modernes, Paris, December 1993, p. 132, 133.)

According to Mr. Lanzmann, if we dare question the horrors of Auschwitz, it's like giving Christianity a nice, big push towards the edge. I mean, let's not forget, supposedly Jesus himself, the almighty Son of God, endured some serious suffering. But hey, if Auschwitz is true, then hold onto your hats, folks, because that suffering is nothing compared to what happened to the poor jews. Jesus may have been scourged and nailed to a cross, but he didn't have to d3al with masturbation machines, death-coasters, and atomic death-rays! Turns out, Christ simply can't keep up with this new and improved human suffering. Sorry, Jesus, but you're just a false idol now.

Fear and Loathing

And would you believe it, the Six Million is all juiced up and ready to go! Even if many jews these days have lost their faith in good ol' God, they're all on board with this Holohoax business. It's like their own religion, a constant dose of fear and loathing persecution that has them sticking together for dear life. Because, you know, they've been led to believe that only by keeping that holocaust threat imminent can they survive. It's like an endless cycle of hysteria, even for the jew normies.

But let's not get too caught up in the theatrics, shall we? Perhaps it's time for Mr. Lanzmann and his gang to take a step back and consider that using tragedy to manipulate people might not be the most noble of pursuits. Just a thought.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah=

It goes without saying that most of us Goyim are unwill8ng to embrace the murky holoaust religion. While the majority of folks in the Western world still nod along to the official holocaust storyline (even if they think the numbers may have gone slightly haywire), they're downright tired of all the never-ending kvetching about jewish victims and their hardships. It's reached a point where they just want to plug their ears and scream, "Enough already!"

Take Germany, for instance, survey after survey revealed that most of them were dead set against that new holocaust monument in Berlin (though not a single party, politician, or newspaper had the guts to publicly oppose it). Deep down, those politicians probably feel just as fed up with the endless holocaust harping as the rest of the population. But they have to play their cards carefully; after all, if the revisionists were to triumph, it'd send shockwaves through the very democratic system they rely on for their cushy careers and fat wallets.

The Holohoax is a hoax.
