Opinion - The real Holohoax was Dresden

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The real Holohoax was Dresden


—Racial Consciousness

Fact. Probably in the order (my best guess) of three times as many.


And, most screechingly? Eh, Liberal Missus? Eh, Scofield groupies? Eh, Boomety-Boomers? "I love Israel", Zionist fan clubbers? Dumber than paper-mache rocks Brigade?

The fact is that (non-combatant) German civilians in Dresden were sadistically targeted, and flat out, cold-bloodedly MURDERED. One of Europe's most beautiful cities, known to be choc full of desperate refugees, with no military value, in the closing months of the war. The jews mostly died unintentionally of TYPHUS, and weakening due hunger (faced by all Germans) due indiscriminate, genocidal, war-crime status, Allied bombing pulverizing the supply lines, which knocked out the supply of much-needed disinfectant supplies, used for delousing clothes and barracks. Yes, Zyklon-B. The life-saver. Or do you still believe the Hollywood movie garbage?

What the average good-hearted American has never been exposed to? Is people pointedly mocking the 'Six Million jews' as the jew-spun, multi Billion Dollar extortion fraud that it really is. You can thank McGraw-Hill, and corrupt-as-hell politicians, for littering American schools and Universities with mind-washing-bleaching false propaganda curricula. People need to exercise due discretion, and do-the-research. Listening on Sunday, to some lame-ass, historically illiterate, happy-clappy establishment preacher? Catering for established tastes? We wuz the good guys, Hitler bad-bad-bad? Just isn't going to hack it anymore. Assuming, of course? That you actually give a damn.

I hope you do. Because your country (-ies)? Are being pushed to the very edge of the abyss, by those very same duplicitous jews, that you insist are "God's chosen people" and therefore immune to any and all way over due, legitimate scrutiny & criticism.

Muh Holohoax, eh?


Yeah, right. My. Hairy.


