Opinion - We are screwed!?

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"We are screwed!?", asked the seriously frustrated Patriot.

("Hell, no!" chuckled the old trouble-maker, the light of battle in his eyes)


I quite understand the frustration that many people feel. Indeed, I like to relieve my own feelings sometimes, with a mildly sarcastic flow of Moggy witticisms. How-ever, I feel pretty upbeat. Things are not good in this great country, but there's a helluva lot of us for them to ALL squash. It's not lack of numbers we have. I'm quite impressed with the work that the far-flung scholars of CODOH have done. (Committee for Open Debate on the Holohoax). I have their 50 odd books sitting on my shelf, and increasingly I take one down, look something up, and re-discover (over and over again) that there is a TON of knowledge waiting patiently out there. Why is this so important? The Holohoax, the Six Million jews la-di-dah, is THE foundation of their nasty, trillion-dollar, extortion scam. Their historical lies, intrigues, war-stoking and (ongoing) pitiless genocides. Pull THAT card out from under the whole sham, rickety edifice? Their teeter-tottering house of cards? "And, blow me down, all fall down."

The rest relentlessly follows. Once you expose that nasty little clique of overwhelmingly jewish Billionaires, and their self-serving, Mammon worshiping, political hacks & toadies? For what they are? The guardians of the Biggest Lie & extortion scam ever inflicted upon struggling Man? The whole world can see 'em in their true light, tentacles, claws, and bloodstained teeth and all. There is a TON of knowledge at the intellectual Ivory Tower level. Way up there. Down below in the packed courtyard, there's a whole teeming mob of ragged, unwashed peons (that's us), hollering for knowledge and understanding. Arms. The power of knowledge. It's beyond urgent, because outside, hammering away at the gates? Wanting to force their way in? Stands a vicious, predatory, mass of salivating Orcs. Hell-bent on our annihilation.

And, guess what? The old, stone, spiral staircase? Coming down from that ivory tower to the courtyard? Down which should flow the power and arms of knowledge? Is BLOCKED, or nearly so. The flow of goodies? Is too much of a trickle. It's coming out, down that spiral staircase, but way too damn slowly. So, why? No OVERVIEW. NO STRUCTURE. It's too much like showing somebody a fire hydrant, and ordering him 'go drink'. It should be possible for us peons to easily find something online like: "Top TEN Lies of the Holohoax". (top 20, top 30, etc) Start it off with 500 words per topic, round 1. If somebody wants more? Round 2, same topic, 2,000 words. Etc, etc. From concise summary to steadily expanding, same topic, information. "Top TEN LIARS of the Holohoax, DE-BUNKED". (top 20, top 30, etc) Start it off with 500 words per topic, round 1. If somebody wants more? Round 2, same topic, 2,000 words. Etc, etc. From concise summary to steadily expanding, same topic, information. "Top TEN LIES of the Holohoax, DE-BUNKED". "Top TEN POLITE DINNER-TABLE QUESTIONS for Holohoax BELIEVERS". (Ho-hum...) πŸ˜‹

I believe such an approach would draw that humongous PILE of information at the top of the Ivory Tower? Down the winding spiral staircase, into the packed courtyard below. Where we wait, breathlessly, striving to understand.

Hungering for arms, and the power of knowledge.
