Opinion - Who still believes?

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"Ursula Haverbeck – the 94-year old German scholar and publisher who was facing 12 months in prison for the ‘crime’ of raising questions about the ‘Holohoax’ – will not now be jailed, following a decision just announced in Berlin.

Even after the rejection of a final legal appeal last October, Ursula’s tireless lawyer Wolfram Nahrath had persisted with arguments that it was unacceptable for a 94-year-old lady to be incarcerated – and the authorities seem finally to have accepted this."


So now, we double up -hard- on the questions asking.

Who still believes?


"Who still believes in the Six Million jews?"
all those wooden doors, the lies and ballyhoos
who still naively misconstrues
the March of Revisionist retinues.

Are you that deaf, that you've still not heard
it's physically impossible, and chemically absurd?
Sooner or later, you Hail Zion folk
a little bit of Reason, you might re-invoke.

Hitching your cart to the Godless jewish Nation
is a real poor start, on your road to Salvation
I respectfully opine that in due time?
The Synagogue of Satan is a poor paradigm.

Many a pulpit, raining storm and ire
at my rhymes will burst into fire
but their Scofield Bible has perverted the Way
and led you, sadly, far astray.

Seek and you shall find, the truth awaits
it may speak softly, but it vindicates.
