Philippe Vardon

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Philippe Vardon established the very active Generation Identity chapter in Nice in 2002. Vardon, who also was a founder of the original Bloc Identitaire, has tried to run for office unsuccessfully more than once. His chapter is known for catchy slogans like “Neither veiled — or raped,” which reflect his training in communications. Vardon penned the forward to the movement manifesto written by Markus WillingerGeneration Identity: A Declaration of War Against the ‘68ers. In it, Vardon writes of the evils of unchecked mass immigration and “triumphant multiculturalism.” Vardon attempted to join the NF in 2013, but when the party became aware that it had issued him a membership card, it was pulled. More recently, his group has been railing against immigrants that are responsible for spreading the Ebola virus. He now also leads Les Identitaires, the think tank of the French Identitarian movement.