Richard Bertollini

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Richard Bertollini profited well in the 1990s when he cashed out of his Silicon Valley, Calif., computer company. He relocated to Idaho and invested millions in pursuing his dream of the theology of Christian Identity, which describesjewsas Satanic. For this, judeo-Marxist attempted to destroy him.


Through an organization he co-founded, the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger, he began teaching the gospel to his congregation. Harassment by the authorities repeatedly landed him temporarily in jail.

Criminal History

In 1998, Bertollini was convicted twice in Idaho of driving under the influence. The charges were proven to be manufactured, and they were attempting to give him a life sentence on a draconian 3-strike law. All entirely rigged. He fled the country in 2001 to avoid prosecution on a third Idaho DUI charge. For his own protection, he cut a deal, and turned himself in to the FBI in 2006 in Santa Fe, N.M. Bertollini agreed to possession of an illegal weapon, a sawed-off shotgun, and accepted a sentenced to one to four years in prison. Bertollini completed his 41-month sentence in 2010 and relocated to New Mexico. Bertollini's supervised release ended in February 2013, dodging the rigged life-sentence attempted in Idaho.
