Talk:Blue Division

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-- Cssdixieland (talk) 09:29, 17 November 2022 (UTC) Proposed addition to our page of the Blue Division -- Cssdixieland (talk) 09:29, 17 November 2022 (UTC)


Pursuant the policy of Fascipedia of presenting first in the Discussion (or Talk) page any important changes that are proposed for insertion into the regular page of an entry, and not feeling sure about whether or not the changes hence forwards proposed might be considered important or not, it is on the safe side presented first here in the talk page. If any of our Honourable Members have any concerns or suggestions, please be kind to express them below in this talk page. If not receiving comments from any of our Illustrious Editors, Moderators, or Administrators, then the proposed changes will be published in a few days in the page dedicated to the Blue Division. If receiving comments, then the procedure will follow as much as reasonably possible the indications or the directions recommended by those comments.

It is the belief of CSS Dixieland that our page of the Blue Division would be improved by adding some information about its anthem, as well as more historical details on the origins of this military unit than the data hitherto provided in the page. In regard to the anthem, it is included below the original Spanish lyrics, its translation to English, various sound records, and hyper links to music scores and to further information. Regarding the historical origins of this combat formation, another hyper link has been added. There is also a hyper link to a collection of images of the Blue Division, which will interest readers. The text proposed for inclusion is in its entirety pasted here for being considered.

Please, only approve these changes, or reject them, or express suggested modifications to them, but be kind NOT TO PERFORM THE CHANGES YOURSELVES. If no objections be received, or after taking into account whatever recommendations might be expressed, the changes to the page will be performed by CSS Dixieland.

- - Begin proposed changes to the page of the Blue Division - -

Anthem of the Blue Division

This anthem was composed as a tribute to the many thousands of volunteers who fought in the ranks of the Blue Division. It was first interpreted at a festival in homage to them, held at the Calderon Theatre in Madrid, on 8th December 1941. At that time the Division had been in Russia for months (fiercely fighting at the front of Lake Ilmen), thus most volunteers only became aware of the existence of their anthem when they returned to Spain on leave. The Frente de Juventudes (Youth Front) of the Spanish Phalanx in fact sang the anthem more often than the Blue Divisionaries themselves. Various sound records are given here for comparison, with the same lyrics.

Music: Juan Tellería Lyrics: José María Alfaro, Agustín de Foxá

Con mi canción la gloria va por los caminos del adiós Que en Rusia están los camaradas de mi división Cielo azul a la estepa desde España llevaré Se fundirá la nieve al avanzar mi capitán

Vuelvan por mi el martillo al taller, la hoz al trigal Brillen al sol las flechas en el haz para ti Que mi vuelta alborozada has de esperar Entre el clamor del clarín inmortal

En la distancia queda gozo del hogar Con aires de campanas, vuelo de la paz Resuenan los tambores, Europa rompe albores Aligerando nubes con nuestro caminar

Con humo de combate yo retornaré Con cantos y paisajes que de allí traeré

Avanzando voy, para un mundo sombrío llevamos el sol Avanzando voy, para un cielo vacío llevamos a dios

Avanzando voy, para un mundo sombrío llevamos el sol Avanzando voy, para un cielo vacío llevamos a dios

Translation by CSS Dixieland:

With my song glory goes along the paths of farewell Because in Russia are the comrades of my division Blue sky to the steppes I shall carry from Spain The snow will melt while my captain is advancing

Let the hammer return to the workshop, the sickle to the wheat field Let the arrows of my quiver shine at the sun for thee Because my return thou wilt joyfully wait At the immortal sound of the cornet

In the distance remains the joy of home With airs of bells, flight of peace Resounding are the drums, it is sunrise in Europe We are alighting clouds with our walking

With smoke of combat I shall return With songs and landscapes that I shall bring thence

Advancing I am, to a world of shadows we are bringing the sun Advancing I am, to an empty heaven we are bringing our god

Advancing I am, to a world of shadows we are bringing the sun Advancing I am, to an empty heaven we are bringing our god

Anthem of the Blue Division, original record: [sound record uploaded to Fascipedia in MPEG Layer 3 format, or hyper link to remote server]

Anthem of the Blue Division, interpreted by the Youth Front: [sound record uploaded to Fascipedia in MPEG Layer 3 format, or hyper link to remote server]

Anthem of the Blue Division, interpreted by the Young Centurions of Franco: [sound record uploaded to Fascipedia in MPEG Layer 3 format, or hyper link to remote server]

Lyrics, music scores and downloadable records of the anthem:

Images of the Blue Division (originals as well as artistic works):

The origins of the Blue Division (Archives of History, in Spanish):

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Cssdixieland (talk) 09:29, 17 November 2022 (UTC)