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Used to create references which contain references. How meta!


  • {{{content}}}, {{{refn}}}, or {{{1}}}: The "outer" footnote, presumably of the explanatory sort, and its reference. Technically optional if and only if a name is specified, but people will look at you funny if you leave this out.
  • {{{group}}} or {{{2}}}: What group of references this "outermore" footnote is to be in. Technically optional, but again, people will look at you funny if you don't.
  • {{{name}}} or {{{3}}}: A name for the reference, which can be used for reusing it easily.

Example usages

With anonymous parameters:

John hates turtles.{{refn|John does, however, like sloths.<ref name=JKoalogy>Journal of Koalogy, vol. 5</ref>|note|JohnSloths}}

With named parameters:

John hates shrimp.{{refn|content=John does, however, like sloths.<ref name=JKoalogy>Journal of Koalogy, vol. 5</ref>|group=note|name=JohnSloths}}

See also