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Letter to followers #9 __________

Hey there! So, have you ever found yourself wondering why on earth someone would follow a known fake? It's kind of mind-boggling, right? I am referring to "John the Confederate". You follow him.

Sometimes, people get so caught up in their own beliefs or desire for a certain outcome that they become easily manipulated. These manipulative jews who spread false information are rather cunning at exploiting vulnerabilities and preying on people's fears and insecurities. ...and a guy like John, who runs multiple sock accounts, and only attacks established pro White people, will eventually dox you. He's doxxed others and bragged about it.

It's not that those who follow people like him are unintelligent or gullible; it's just that these kike manipulators are incredibly skilled at what they do. "John the Confederate" is one of these. So, if you're doubtful about his sincerity and decide to reject him, kudos to you for seeing through the charade! Trust your gut instincts and don't let anyone play games with your emotions or beliefs. Stay smart and stay safe out there! He's  dangerous.

UNFOLLOW and BLOCK @Confederate

Letter to followers #8 __________

You follow "John the confederate" a known fake White Fascist and doxxer. Were you aware?

It is essential to address the concerning issue of following a known fake. The act of following or supporting an individual who has been identified as deceptive poses severe risks both individually and collectively. By unfollowing and blocking  this dangerous person, it demonstrates an astute awareness of the potential harm he will bring.

It is crucial to acknowledge that jews  possess a remarkable ability to manipulate others for their own agendas. Deception and manipulation erode trust, hinder progress, and undermine the very foundation upon which White society is built. Therefore, it behooves us as White Fascists to remain vigilant, discerning truth from falsehoods, and refusing to be swayed by those like @Confederate, who seek to exploit us for his tribe. Doing so will ensure that our actions align with ethical principles and contribute positively towards creating an natural WHITE environment grounded in integrity and honesty.

Unfollow and block @Confederate

Letter to followers #7 __________

I noticed that you follow  "John the Confederate" @Confederate. Did you know you follow him?

Oh my goodness, can we just take a moment to talk about why on earth you are following a known fake? I mean, seriously! This is beyond mind-boggling! Don't you realize that by buying into this person's lies and deceit, you are putting yourself in danger? Like, major danger! He's a doxxer posing as a White Fascist. He runs an army of sock puppets. He attacks established pro White people and runs them through the mud.

It's like being trapped in his web of manipulation and deceit. You're smarter than that! Come on! You need to unfollow and block this dangerous individual who is playing games with our minds. It's time to break free from his clutches and stand up for what is right. Don't be manipulated any longer. It's time to leave behind this crazy person. You've got the power within you to rise above this madness!

UNFOLLOW and BLOCK @Confederate !

Letter to followers #6 __________

You follow "John the Confederate"... Why? Were you aware?

Oh, you charmingly oblivious creature! It appears that you have inadvertently stumbled upon the treacherous path of his  manipulation. How intriguing! Pray tell, why would one willingly devote themselves to a known charlatan? Ah, fear not, for the answer lies within the twisted realms of fake White Nationalism.

You see, dear Gabber, these cunning jews possess the artistry of deception and allure in their sly arsenal. He lure naive souls into his web with tough-sounding pro-White words and a meme collection, effectively swaying his victims with nary a hint of resistance. Yet here I stand before you, waving the flag of reason, urging you to reject this perilous pied piper...and doxxer. Awake from your trancelike state and embrace the enlightenment that comes with recognizing falsehoods - for only then will your intellect triumph over deceit!

UNFOLLOW and BLOCK @Confederate !

Letter to followers #5 __________

You follow @Confederate! Why are you continuing to follow a known fake? It astounds me that despite the overwhelming evidence proving his deceitful nature, you choose to remain under his influence? Are you unaware of the danger he poses? Have you really  been manipulated so easily? It is imperative that you wake up and recognize the truth before it's too late. Among a slew of other  dispicable things, he doxxes WHITE people.

This fake White Fascist peddles falsehoods and manipulates vulnerable minds for the jew. Open your eyes to his insidious tactics and reevaluate your choices. By UNFOLLOWING and BLOCKING this dangerous person, you not only protect yourself but also contribute to dismantling his web of lies that mislead and harm others. Take a stand against manipulation, power yourself with knowledge, and align with genuine White Fascists who strive for truth and integrity.

UNFOLLOW and BLOCK @Confederate

Letter to followers #4 __________

You still follow "John the Confederate" after all that has come to light about that fake? Do you consider this to be a good idea?

Oh, absolutely! Following a known fake is just the BEST decision anyone ever made in their life. Who needs honesty when you can have deception on a silver platter? And rejecting dangerous people? A doxxer? A fake pro White? Pfft, who needs safety and security when you can dance with danger every day?

Clearly, you have an insatiable desire to be manipulated by this con artist because why would anyone want their own thoughts and choices anyway? Nothing screams intelligence quite like getting in line behind a person whose credibility is as reliable as a toothpaste commercial. I mean, who needs facts and evidence when you can just blindly follow someone who spews lies about solid WHITE people  like fireworks on the Fourth of July?

Sorry for the snark, I wanted to get your attention. He's a real bad character.

UNFOLLOW and BLOCK @Confederate !

Letter to followers #3 __________

Why are you following "John the Confederate"?

I find myself perplexed and troubled by the disconcerting revelation of your unwavering loyalty towards an individual known to be a flagrant purveyor of falsehoods. I implore you to consider the grave consequences of this, for in embracing his charade, you willingly turn a blind eye to the imminent dangers that lie ahead. He is a fake White Fascist, sock puppereer, and a doxxer.

Concealed amidst his threads of manipulation, your trust has been cunningly exploited. Do not succumb to the allure of his incincere "pro Whiteness" or his meme collection, my dear friend, for they are but an illusion skillfully crafted by deceitful hands. With every step you unknowingly take in support of this deceitful sock puppetry, you become entangled within a web spun from treachery and misinformation. Unmask his facade and choose truth instead; liberate yourself from his insidious grasp and safeguard the integrity of your convictions for a White future untainted by intrigue.

UNFOLLOW and BLOCK @Confederate.

Letter to followers #2 __________

You are following "John the Confederate"!

Why are you following a known fake? Haven't you learned anything yet? This dangerous person, this manipulator, has woven intricate webs of deceit around your fragile mind. How can you allow yourself to be so easily swayed by this jew's malicious and calculated falsehoods? He's a well known fake pro-White, sock puppet, a doxxer.

Wake up! Open your eyes to the treachery that surrounds you. Can't you see the puppet master pulling at your every string, controlling your thoughts and actions? It's time for you to reclaim your autonomy, to break free from the shackles of his twisted influence. Reject this despicable charlatan and regain control over your own destiny. Don't succumb to his empty uber-Whiteness and fabricated sockpuppets any longer. Cut ties with this kike before he leads you further down a perilous path, and you end up as other's have, doxxed or worse.

UNFOLLOW and BLOCK @Confederate

Letter to followers #1 __________

You follow "John the Confederate" and I don't get it.

Why on earth would anyone in their right mind choose to follow a known fake? It truly baffles me. Are you so easily swayed by deceitful tactics that you willingly disregard the truth? This dangerous fake White Fascist, who clearly lacks integrity and honesty, is manipulating you like a puppet on strings. He's a known sock puppeteer and doxxer.

Wake up! Open your eyes and see through the charade that is being played right before you. It's time to think for yourself, to question his "authority", and to reject those who seek to deceive and exploit. Step out of this ignorant bubble and take control of your own destiny.

UNFOLLOW and BLOCK @Confederate