What it means to be White

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What it means to be White

Obviously, White Nationalism is about the physical reality of being born White. And, Whites are those of what is often called "European Descent," but can be applied to about ten or so large ethnic backgrounds and a hundred various split and admixtures of the above. There's also rumors of White civilization having spread across the America, Asia, and even all of Northern Africa Continent before recorded history. But, let's talk about today. Whites are a race of the total of what I just mentioned with varied but similar cultures bound within reoccurring elements found born from our people. We have a developed sense of artistic taste in architecture and communal works. We have a very developed literature and music culture favoring wind and string instrumentation with a nearly infinite range of vocal dynamics. Sophisticated paintings that resemble true scenes from life and our dreams made real. For others to share and feel. Egalitarian models. Ideas of universal work, needs met, and land for all. Food, transport, and health met. In short. Whites are civilization. Free civilization. That is who we are and what we create. We are the most human of humanity. And, thus, stand also as the most philosophical mindful and wisest race to follow, too.