
From FasciPedia
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Wi***edia is the fifth most popular website on the internet. It presents itself as a “people’s encyclopedia,” a neutral utopia in which anyone can edit an article in their area of expertise; except in reality its a digital gulag. Perhaps the greatest farce in the modern history of technology is the perception of Wi***edia as a legitimate online encyclopedia. It has none of the qualifications as such but has all of the characteristics of a compromised propaganda machine.


Allegedly neutral Wi***edia has a strong leftist bias and censorship regarding subjects like the riots, including regarding the role of Antifa. Furthermore, the Wikimedia Foundation dropped any pretense of a "Neutral Point of View" and declared itself to be an activist propaganda organization. It stated that "Today, and every day, the Wikimedia Foundation stands in support of racial justice and with the movement for Black Lives. On these issues, there is no neutral stance."

Anti White

Wi***edia Lies, it's owned by judeo-Marxists to make certain groups sound good and others bad. Regardless of its false narrative, it's not a good source to trust or rely on it is not recommended. they endorse Black, Mexican, Asian, jewish nationalism but the moment it mentions white nationalism they label whites nazis and terrorists.

Bad actors

  • Israeli Intelligence has also been caught in what is known as “conflict of interest” bias on Wi*""edia, employing people to make Propaganda edits full time.
  • large numbers of celebrities and other public figures have been the victims of premature obituaries thanks to Wi***edia (everyone from Ted Kennedy to Miley Cyrus), sometimes go uncorrected for years.
  • Two fake deities, Jar’Edo and Yohrmum (an obvious pun) were added to a list of Australian aboriginal deities and not discovered for over 15 years. The error made its way into newspaper articles, textbooks, and scholarly papers.
  • Political parties such as the DNC and GOP edited their pages, and those of their rivals.

Holohoax propaganda

Wi***edia listed KL Warschau as a major extermination camp. In reality, it was a minor concentration camp used for simple housing. The article also claimed that 200,000 Poles were gassed there, bringing the total number of Poles killed to 400,000. The page has also been repeatedly edited to remove confirmed statistics relating to jewish. To be fair to Wikipedia, they removed the misinformation as soon as it was brought to their attention. It’s just a pity that took 15 years.