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Isabel Peralta

Isabel Medina Peralta (Born 2002) is a young Spanish woman who led the women's section of Manuel Andrino's La Falange (a political group in which she no longer participates), one of the factions into which the Spanish Falange has been divided since the re-establishment of communism in Spain. Being herself a member of the Bastion Front group . She became known after giving the tribute speech to the fallen of the Blue Division in 2021.

The daughter of a former mayor, she studies History at the Complutense University of Madrid. [1]

Tribute speech to the Blue Division

On February 13, 2021, in memory of the 78th anniversary of the Battle of Krasny Bor , some 300 people gathered in Madrid in the act of homage to the 2,000 fallen Spanish soldiers. On that occasion Isabel expressed:


Highly stylized image of Miss Peralta from the Spanish website.

They were brave; They knew that the greatest honor was to give their lives for the triumph of your dreams and they did so. Thus they died and those who survived Krasny Bor and the sky of the Russian steppe, went back to challenge providence in Berlin together with theCharlemagne Unit , together with the SS for defending the capital of what would be a thousand years of greatness. and of glory. And don't be fooled, they weren't fighting for Germany , not just for her. They also fight for France , for Italy , for Russia or for England . They fought for thewestern civilization . They fought for the immense Europe and for its ideal and for the joy of its peoples and its nations. Thus, they fought for Spain and thus they also fought for Kiel and when Hitler in the bunker called Ezquerra to decorate him with the highest degree and give him German nationality, he says grateful but proud: "thank you my Führerbut as long as I live I will continue to be Spanish". Because like us, these soldiers who wore solar crosses on their blue shirts, were Spanish. And being Spanish is one of the few serious things that can be done in this life. We have in our We have the blood of the most brilliant soldiers that history has seen. We are a people of warriors, a people of combatants, and better than any other people we know what it means to give our lives for an ideal. Because we and our ancestors already did. They have done it in Numancia , they have done it in Tolosa , they have done it in Flanders , they have done it in the Ebro and they also did it in Krasny Bor. Léon Degrelle : Spaniard, son of God, go straight on your way! The century awaits you! Fiery souls can do absolutely anything! The Spanish, more than any other has the ability to save us all. The edge awaits us and the ardor of our blood and the genius of the Hispanic oblige us .

It is our supreme obligation to fight for Spain and for a Europe that is now weak and liquidated by the enemy, the enemy that will always be the same, although with different masks: the jew . Because nothing is more accurate than this statement: thejewsis to blame.   [2]


Isabel Peralta during a podcast.

As a result of this last paragraph, the Community of Madrid urged the Prosecutor's Office to investigate the facts to determine if anti-Semitic expressions were used during the speech. However, in an interview with La Razón she explains:

"I would never attack an entire people, but rather a certain stratum of the 'noble race' or 'the chosen ones', as they call themselves in Semitic texts such as the Talmud."  [3]

And she added, in another interview to El Español :

"I am not referring to the poor man who goes to the synagogue to pray, I am referring to the international monetary system, the Federal Reserve system, the Zionist leaders and organizations that subsidize and finance Black Lives Matter or postmodern feminism." [4]

Isabel has assumed that her ideology is going to bring her problems: "It is going to take me to jail" , she assured the readers of El Español . "I'll end up in jail because I'm not going to shut up, I'm not going to apologize and I'm going to disappear." If that ever happened, she is clear about what she would do: "I will write a book about my ideology: fascism". [5] In Spain, according to Spiegel Online , she is considered the leading figure of the "Bastión Frontal", a group reviving Falangism[6]


Isabel Peralta and her mother in matching dresses (in Spanish National colors) for Fiesta Nacional de España, a day of Spanish National Pride.

Isabel Medina Peralta is a history student , member of the Falange Española and belongs to the Bastión Frontal. Bastión Frontal was formed as a youth group in response to measures against the COVID-19 debacle in Spain in spring 2020. Peralta describes herself as a fascist and Falangist. [7]

Peralta first came to public attention in February 2021 when she attended a tribute in Madrid to the Blue Division , an infantry division made up of Spanish fascists who fought alongside the Wehrmacht against the Soviet Union in World War II. At the event, she gave a fiery speech and performed the Roman salute.  She stated that it was her duty to fight for Spain, the enemy was always the same, the jews. The Blue Division stood for it. The speech was circulated on various forums around the world. 

A few months later, at a rally, she referred to Moroccan immigrants as "invaders".  Because of these statements on May 18, 2021 in front of the Moroccan embassy, ​​politically motivated investigations into incitement to hatred and violence were initiated. [8]

An interview with Peralta by Spanish broadcast company laSexta was criticized by the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Embassy of Israel in November 2021. [9]

In the interview, she stated that her speeches were not incitement to hatred. She also explained that Bastion Frontal members are required to practice contact martial arts based sports in order to respond to violence from Antifa on the street. 

In autumn 2021 she traveled to Germany and met members of the "The 3rd Way" to learn more about communication techniques. [10]

During a second visit, an identity check at Frankfurt Airport in March 2022, police officers found (according to original official police report) a swastika flag, a copy of Mein Kampf, and a swastika keychain and a book from the Bund Deutscher Mädel series in her luggage. Peralta was denied entry. Three months after the incident, long after Miss Peralta left, the report was "corrected" to a Falange flag, a falange keychain, and no books. This combination of items, not being illegal in Germany, would have allowed her entry. It should be noted that it is standard proceedure, virtually everywhere in the world, to simply confiscate such small personal items and allow entry. Peralta was clearly politically targeted here.[11] [12] [13]

Quotebubble.png I fell in love withfascismat the age of 13. I'm going to give my life and fight for it to the last consequences.
——Isabel Peralta

See also


  1. 18 Year Old Spanish Fascist Receives German Nazi Scholarship 2022-03-19
  2. Carmen Aguilera-Carnerero, “ThejewsIs To Blame”: Young Neo-Fascists In Spain Spark Outrage , Center for the Analysis of the Radical Right, April 23, 2021.
  3. Lluís Bou, Wiesenthal Center says Spanish TV interview with neo-Nazi "will encourage admirers", vom 19. November 2021.
  4. Esteban Ibarra makes visible the dangers of the words of the Falangist Isabel Peralta in laSexta, The Canadian News vom 20. November 2021.
  5. author=Marta Espartero |url= |titel=¿Qué es Bastión Frontal, el grupo que lidera el neonazi detenido que se encaró con Iglesias en Madrid? | |datum=2022-01-25 |abruf=2022-03-19
  6. author=mgb |url= |titel=Polizei verweigert spanischer Rechtsextremistin Isabel Peralta die Einreise |werk=Spiegel Online |datum=2022-03-17 |abruf=2022-03-19
  7. Carmen Aguilera-Carnerero, “ThejewsIs To Blame”: Young Neo-Fascists In Spain Spark Outrage, Centre for the Analysis of the Radical Right vom 23. April 2021.
  8. Jihane Rahhou, Spanish Far-Right Nationalist Facing Charges For Insulting Morocco, Marocco World News vom 8. November 2021.
  9. Lluís Bou, Wiesenthal Center says Spanish TV interview with neo-Nazi "will encourage admirers" , of 19 November 2021.
  10. jewish group slams 18-year-old granted Nazi scholarship, Jerusalem Post vom 28. Oktober 2021.
  11. Police refuse Spanish right-wing extremist Isabel Peralta entry. In: Mirror Online . 17 March 2022, retrieved 19 March 2022 .
  12. Federal police prevent Spanish right-wing extremists from entering the country. In: . 17 March 2022, retrieved 19 March 2022 .
  13. Swastika flag in luggage - federal police prevent entry of Spanish right-wing extremist. In: 17 March 2022, retrieved 19 March 2022 .