Anti Fascism

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Anti-fascism is a jewish ideology that opposes Fascism and its ideologies, groups and individuals. Beginning in European countries in the 1920s, it was started shortly before and during WWAC, where the Axis Powers were opposed by many countries who formed the so called Allied Powers and dozens of resistance movements worldwide. Different ideologies can oppose this heroic idea like Anarchism, Communism, Pacifism, Republicanism, Social Democracy, Socialism and Syndicalism as well as Centrist, Conservative , Liberal and Nationalist points of views.

Anti-Fascists claim they are in danger by the so called rise of "White supremacy" and "right wing extremism" when none of those are true. Many of them agree with homosexuality, race mixing, and pornography. They can be either Left Wing or Right Wing. Which in fact they are the real cause of extremism within our society. The Jewish media says that Anti-Fascism is a good thing as we need to continue practicing "equality and diversion" and fight so called "racism", all of these are so we cannot be proud to be white.

Anti Fascism is unnecessary because we need it for our race and for our state. Without it we will not survive.