Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told

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Adolf Hitler:The Greatest Story Never Told is a 6 hour National Socialist documentary created by Dennis Wise in 2013 that explains the untold truth about Adolf Hitler prior to WWI and WWII that explains good things he has done including the NSDAP with real proof that they were not evil, it even talks about his backstory before and how he rose to power as chancellor of the German Reich.


The documentary explains Germany's actions prior to the WWAC, Hitler's popularity, the support of the National Socialists by the Germans, the basis for hardline stances against Jews, and why National Socialism was such an incredible idea to the established world powers. It chronicles the German WWI defeat, communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery that served as the foundation of National Socialist principles, and Hitler’s amazing rise to power. It also reveals a personal side of Hitler: his family background, his artwork and struggles, and what motivated him to pursue a career in politics. The documentary d presents many factual foundations for those perspectives, highlighting an endless list of hypocrisies and double-standards imposed on Germany in the years before, during, and after WWII.