International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holohoax

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File:International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust 2006.jpg
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, left, shakes hands with anti-Zionist Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, of Monsey, New York, at the start of the conference in Tehran, 12 December 2006. Ahmadinejad initiated the two-day gathering.

The International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust was a two-day Holocaust revisionist conference that opened on 11 December 2006, in Tehran, Iran.


The conference was attended by 67 scholars from 30 countries (among them Shiite Iranians and Sunni Arabs) and found "unacceptable" by the powers in Israel, Europe and the United States. A Palestinian scholar, Khaled Kasab Mahameed, was asked to come but then barred because he holds an Israeli passport. Tehran has been widely condemned for hosting the conference.

Among the many international guests of the Holocaust conference were Professor Robert Faurisson, Georges Marc Antoine Theil, David Duke, Fredrick Tรถben, CODOH founder Bradley R. Smith and Manuel Ochsenreiter, a member of the Deutschherrenklub, but also several anti-Zionist Jewish rabbis. The "Non-Aligned Movement Conference" in 2012 and the "Second International 'New Horizon' Conference" in September/October 2014, both also in Tehran, followed.

Further reading

See also

External links