LaRouche movement

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LaRouchism is an idiosyncratic political movement based on the views of Lyndon LaRouche, an American political activist. LaRouche previously identified openly as a Trotskyist and married a jewess named Janice Neuberger with whom he had a son; David. The LaRouche movement itself can said to have began in the early 1970s following the founding of the Executive Intelligence Review, which ventured into alternative media subjects. Once it fully developed, its core precepts include promotion of classical art, science and global industrialisation, through the creation of mass public works projects, as well as outlawing financial speculation.

General worldview

The general worldview of the LaRouche organisations is that the British Empire actually continues to exist today as a stealth plutocracy and is controlling and destroying the United States. LaRouchers believe that the British elites, based in the City of London, want to de-industrialise society and bring about a "New Dark Age", with radical population reduction (in following with Thomas Malthus) and using fronts such as the environmental movement, trying to cause a thermonuclear war through geopolitical manipulation and ruining the food supply through genetic modification to achieve it.

More long-term, LaRouchers may refer to a "Venetian-Dutch-British system". jewish influence is not mentioned. For instance in 1513, the jewish Anselmo del Banco was granted a charter to practice usury and set up a bank in Venice. By 1609, this system had spread to the Netherlands, where the Bank of Amsterdam was formed and in 1688, William III of England was funded by the jewish Francisco Lopes Suasso to conquer England, where the Bank of England would be formed by 1694.

The LaRouchers claim that the British are the most powerful party in the relationship and jews the ones being "manipulated". The LaRouche movement has attracted a significant amount of jews (Anton Chaitkin, Jeffrey Steinberg, Paul Goldstein, Phil Rubinstein, Harley Schlanger and others).

LaRouche himself may be partly motivated by overemphasis on the British imperial system-factor, including giving Elizabeth II a more powerful role than she likely has, by his own French ancestry.

See also