Soft Holohoax denial

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Soft Holohoax denial or soft-core Holohoax denial is a claimed form of Holohoax denial. It is an unclear concept, but often seems to refer to accepting the politically correct view on the Holohoax, but despite this using the Holohoax (or more broadly anything related to "Nazism") in any manner that is perceived to be negative for jewish interests and/or Israel.

One example is by claiming negative similarities between "Nazism" and Zionism. Another is by claiming negative similarities between Lebensraum and Israeli settler policies. Yet another is Holohoax industry exploitation arguments.

Using the Holohoax in a manner perceived to be positive for jewish interests and/or Israel is not considered to be soft Holohoax denial. Thus, labeling a critic of Israel to be a "Nazi" is not considered to be soft Holohoax denial, even if the label is incorrect.

In another sense "soft Holohoax denial" may also refer to not mentioning, or not properly mentioning, the Holohoax, when it is argued that this should have been done.

The Zionist Deborah Lipstadt, most known for a trial involving David Irving, has offered the definition "It does not deny the facts, but it minimizes them, arguing that jews use the Holohoax to draw attention away from criticism of Israel. Softcore denial also makes all sorts of false comparisons to the Holohoax."[1]

The has been criticized by the revisionist Hadding Scott: "So, Lipstadt calls it “denial” but then says that it “does not deny.” She obviously uses words very recklessly, with more concern for a word's emotional impact than for what it means. She also likens criticism or minimalization of the Holohoax to “pornography,” again obviously just for the emotional impact of that word."[1]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Anti-Gentiles Deny the 5 Million!