Closer Encounters

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Closer Encounters
File:Closer Encounters cover.png
Author(s) Jason Reza Jorjani
Language English
Genre(s) Aliens, UFOs
Publisher Arktos
Publication year 2021
Pages 496
ISBN 1914208390

Closer Encounters is a book by Iranian-American author Jason Reza Jorjani, PhD, published by Arktos in 2021. The book is a popular analysis of UFOs with an original hypothesis of alien intentions.

Publisher description

"The US government UAP Report of the summer of 2021 marks a turning point in the modern history of Close Encounters — but not for the reasons that most people think. The UAP Report is not the first step toward some future full “Disclosure” regarding UFOs and related phenomena. Rather, it is a milestone in a long-term plan to subjugate everyone on this planet to a tyrannically totalitarian regime. Taking as its point of departure this monstrous Pentagon lie, and the broader question of the relationship between UFOs and State Sovereignty, this book examines every aspect of the complex Close Encounter phenomenon through all of human history.

There are seven extant interpretive frameworks for Close Encounters: the Extra-Terrestrial Hypothesis (ETH), the Breakaway Civilization Hypothesis, the Inter-Dimensional Hypothesis, the Time Traveler Hypothesis, the Parapsychological (or Ultra-Terrestrial) Hypothesis, the Atlantean Survivors (or Crypto-Terrestrial) Hypothesis, and the Simulation Avatars Hypothesis. This study shows how these hypotheses are not mutually exclusive alternatives. All of them are facets of a single much more complex reality that has fundamentally defined the human condition on a fifth-dimensional level.

This reality is terrifying. It will never be revealed by any government on the planet, or acknowledged by the scientific establishment, and its disclosure would destroy every existing religious and social institution. In fact, humanity cannot survive the disclosure of what is detailed in this book. Rather, this profound philosophical analysis of Close Encounters demonstrates that the true nature of the phenomenon has to do with the cosmic force of evolution challenging us to overcome the limits of what has defined “humanity” for at least 250 million years — since our civilization on Mars was destroyed."[1]



1. UAP Disclosure and Sovereignty

1.1 Putative “UAP Disclosure”

1.2 UAP and Nukes

1.3 Scientific Study of UFOs

1.4 State Sovereignty and the UFO

2. The Third and Fourth Kind

2.1 Abductions

2.2 Implants

2.3 Mutilations

2.4 Terror in the Amazon

3. Nordic Breakaway Civilization

3.1 Tall White “Nordics”

3.2 The “Master Race” from Space

3.3 The Anglo-Saxon Breakaway Civilization

3.4 The Saucer Airframe and Project Chronos

3.5 Destructive Departure in Worldview Warfare

4. Machinations in the Matrix of Time

4.1 UFOs as Time Machines and Matrix Re-programmers

4.2 Hyperdimensional Bases and Close Encounters with Cryptids

4.3 The “Bermuda Triangle” on Land: Time Slips and Artifacts

5. Atlantis, Mars, and the Moon

5.1 Atlantis as Antarctica and the Atlanteans as Engineers

5.2 The Time Travelers Who Murdered Mars

5.3 Manufacturing the Moon: A Terraforming Space Station

6. Shining Stupidity: UFOs and Religion

6.1 The Slavers of Eden

6.2 Warring Gods and Titans, or Angels and Demons

6.3 Jesus Christ: A Study in Cognitive Dissonance

6.4 UFOs and the Christian Destruction of Human Knowledge

6.5 The Psychotronic Control System

7. Prometheaion: The Trickster Aeon

7.1 The Trickster from the Super-Sargasso Sea

7.2 Tentacles of the Trickster

7.3 The Aeon — or “Dominant” — of Prometheaion


Works Cited


Books by the same author

Publication data

  • Closer Encounters, Jason Reza Jorjani, 2021, Arktos, ISBN-10: 1914208390 ISBN-13: 978-1-914208-39-3

External Links
