Faustian Futurist

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Faustian Futurist
Author(s) Jason Reza Jorjani
Language English
Genre(s) Fiction
Publisher Arktos
Publication year 2020
Pages 182
ISBN 1912975955

Faustian Futurist is a novel by Iranian-American author Jason Reza Jorjani, PhD, published by Arktos in 2020.

Publisher description

"Nikolai Alexandrov (1947–1980), the protagonist of this tale, is a New Yorker of questionable ‘Russian’ ancestry, who recalls his past lives as Nikola Tesla and as an Atlantean. Following the traumatic death of his parents, he is adopted and raised by a mysterious couple who claim to be his aunt and uncle. After doing breakthrough work in Physics and Philosophy, Nikolai finds himself caught up in a web of intrigue that leads him to a career as a psychic spy tracking UFOs for U.S. Naval Intelligence and to the discovery of Neo-Fascist plans to establish a Fourth Reich. This unwelcome realization comes after a flirtation with the Weather Underground, and a tortured romantic relationship with a young woman whose suicide becomes a harbinger of his own untimely demise. This is not your typically cerebral science fiction novel but a horror story shot through with lurid sex and ultra-violence. Consider yourself forewarned."[1]


Prologue: New Swabia, Antarctica 10,500 BC

Chapter 1: Stolen Child

Chapter 2: Project Prometheus

Chapter 3: Aryan Apocalypse

Chapter 4: Atlantis Resurfacing

Chapter 5: Faustian Bargain

Chapter 6: Hotel California

Chapter 7: Mastering Lightning

Chapter 8: Wonder Wheel

Chapter 9: White Devils

Epilogue: How the Modern World Ended

Books by the same author

Publication data

  • Faustian Futurist, Jason Reza Jorjani, 2020, Arktos, ISBN-10: 1912975955, ISBN-13: 978-1-912975-95-2

External Links
