Henry Bily

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Henry Bily was a prisoner at Auschwitz and a "witness" for the politically correct view on the Holohoax.

The revisionist Robert Faurisson has written that:[1]

"In October 1991, the periodical 'Le Déporté pour la liberté (Deportee for Liberty), an organ of l'Union nationale des associations de déportés, internés et familles de disparus (UNADIF; National Union of Associations of Deportees, Prisoners and Families of the Missing), announced on its cover-page:

Quotebubble.png "In the inner pages of this issue, part one of the testimony of Henry Bily, one of the rare escapees from a Sonderkommando."

In his follow-up of November 1991, Mr. Bily continued the account of his Auschwitz experience under the title of "Mon histoire extraordinaire" (My Amazing Story).

However, in the following installment of Déporté pour la liberté, that of December 1991-January 1992, there appeared a "Clarification regarding insertion of the text of Henry Bily in our columns." The review's director and editor uncovered the falsehood: in the major portion of his testimony, Mr. Bily had proceeded to:

Quotebubble.png "copy word for word without any citation of references, from passages (notably chapters 7 and 28) of the book by Dr. Myklos Nyiszli: Médecin à Auschwitz, written in 1946 and translated and published in 1961 by René Julliard publishing house. Unfortunately, the original errors committed by Dr. Nyiszli have also been repeated; finally, the most extensive borrowing has to do with the description of the Sonderkommando functions at Auschwitz-Birkenau, in which Henry Bily declares [deceivingly] to have worked... The result of this analysis is that it is in no way possible to consider Henry Bily's text as an original and personal testimony."

To an attentive reader of this declaration, the sentence "Unfortunately, the original errors committed by Dr. Nyiszli have also been repeated" might allow one to perceive that, worst of all, Mr. Bily, a petty jewish tradesman, had recopied a testimony which itself had already been false."

External links

Note that besides the external sources listed here, an alleged Holocaust confessor/witness may be extensively discussed in the external sources listed in the articles on the particular Holocaust camps and/or other Holocaust phenomena the individual is associated with.


  1. Witnesses to the Gas Chambers of Auschwitz http://www.codoh.com/library/document/935/