The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion |
Disputed |
1901 |
Lays out the methods and strategies jews use against Gentiles in their quest for world domination. Most jews claim true author was the Okhrana (Russian police). Information measured up to jewish behaviour important, not who wrote it. |
The Primary Cause of Antisemitism: An Answer to the jewish Question |
Abraham S. Schomer |
1909 |
With a quick survey of past works on the subject, the author attempts to provide an empirical answer to the “mystery” of antisemitism. |
The jewish Problem: How to Solve It |
Brandeis |
1915 |
Early Zionist commentary by noted US Supreme Court justice. |
The Riddle of the jews' Success |
Fritsch |
1919 |
German romantic and patriotic author. |
Democracy or Shylocracy? Shall the jew Rule the World? |
Spencer |
1919 |
Later published by The Britons. Greatest title for a book, ever. Takes a look at the plutocractic molopolists pulling the rug from under the feet of hard workers. |
The International jew: The World’s Foremost Problem |
Ford |
1920 |
Published by eminent American industrialist from The Dearborn Independent newspaper. Significant input from William J. Cameron. |
The Great jewish Conspiracy |
William Hard |
1920 |
A mocking of the Protocols |
That Bogey Man the jew |
G. Frank Lydston |
1921 |
A Gentile baits the jew-baiter. |
Impressions of Soviet Russia |
Sarolea |
1924 |
Charles Sarolea (1870-1953) was a Belgian academic and versatile publicist. The book describes the decisive role of jews in the early Soviet Union. |
Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin |
Dietrich Eckart |
1925 |
An intimate companion Adolf Hitler, Eckart as title suggests compares the jewish-Christian conspiracy against the West with Bolshevism. |
jewish Influence on Christian Reform Movements |
Newman |
1925 |
A tribesman elucidates on the jewish influence over heterodox so-called "reform" movements in Christianity throughout history, through the Middle Ages, to Zwingli and Servetus, onto the Puritans. |
The Secret World Government or "The Hidden Hand" |
Cherep-Spiridovich |
1926 |
White Russian activist and witness of Bolshevik coup. Strongly insisted on Satanic nature of jewry and predicted specific events of World War II. |
The First jewish Bid For World Power |
Duke of Northumberland |
1930 |
Small booklet by dissident member of British aristocracy takes a look at jewish activity in the Roman Empire. |
The Aryan Race, The Christian Culture and the jewish Problem |
Winghene |
1931 |
The text cites literature from more countries in more languages, and in general it draws a sharp contrast between the culture of jews and the Christian culture of the Aryan race. In the end it provides a long list of things that people of the Christian Aryan culture must do to avoid having their culture destroyed by its enemies. |
Antisemitism: Historically and Critically Examined |
Hugo Valentin |
1936 |
Swedish author reviews history of anti-jewish antipathy up to the 1930s. |
The jew as Criminal |
J. Keller and Hanns Andersen |
1937 |
English translation of Der Jude als Verbrecher with a forward by Julius Streicher |
Die jüdische Weltpest (The jewish World Plague) |
Hermann Esser |
1939 |
NSDAP journalist and one of the earliest followers of Adolf Hitler.. |
…is it true what they say about Cohen? |
American jewish Labor Council |
1948 |
Juvenile attempt to fight anti-semitism. |
The Iron Curtain Over America |
Beaty |
1951 |
Mainstream professor from Southern Methodist University demonstrates how Khazar jews have worked to destroy America, from World War I onwards and are behind world Communism. |
The Controversy of Zion |
Reed |
1956 |
Thorough investigation of the jewish Question from Biblical times to just after the Second World War by mainstream British journalist. |
The Non-jewish jew |
Deutscher |
1958 |
Book admits that jews who don't go to the synagogue are still jewish. Atheist jews and communist jews acting on Yiddish cultural and ethnocentric precepts. |
World Conquerors |
Marschalko |
1958 |
jewish history, analysis, how jews subjugate the Earth |
A jewish Defector Warns America |
Freedman |
1961 |
A jewish dissident lifts the lid on the machinations of his former tribesmen and warns the goyim of America. |
The Plot Against the Church |
Pinay |
1962 |
Exposing the 2000 year war of Talmudism against Christianity. Authored to warn against Second Vatican Council and sent to participants. |
The Past, Present Times and the jewish Question |
Mathez |
1965 |
A walk through the history of the Judeo-Masonic world swindle, with a particular view of France, from a Swiss-French academic. Including vital information about the Kahal. |
Chinese Communism and Chinese jews |
Bakony |
1969 |
Part of the Library of Political Secrets series published out of Mexico. Reveals the jewish subtefuge in China, including Sassoon's Opium Wars to Communism. |
jews and Freemasons in Europe, 1723-1939 |
Katz |
1971 |
You couldn't make it up folks. This in house document for the tribe was originally written in Hebrew and tells us all about the Judeo-Masonic connections. |
The Thirteenth Tribe |
Koestler |
1976 |
Book revealing that Ashkenazi jews are actually Khazars in ancestry rather than descended from ancient Israelites of the Old Testament. |
The jewish Fifth Column in India |
Bakony |
1979 |
Part of the Library of Political Secrets series published out of Mexico. What are the jews doing in India? Who are the "Beni-Israel"? Were the merchant group of "Indians" expelled from Uganda by Idi Amin, crypto-jews? |
jews Want to Dominate the Negroes |
Bakony |
1982 |
Part of the Library of Political Secrets series published out of Mexico. Takes a look at the Falasha jews of Ethiopia , as well as jewish infiltration of Black race in Latin America. Documents jewish involvement in slave trade. |
The Life of an American jew in Racist Marxist Israel |
Bernstein |
1984 |
A jew born in the United States moves to "Israel" only to find a very different reality from the Zionist narrative. Urges Americans not to support the Israelis. |
The Longest Hatred: An Examination of Anti-Gentilism |
Birdwood |
1991 |
Book explaining the jewish war against Gentiles. In the United Kingdom, where it was published, people have been thrown in jail for merely owning a copy. |
Chosen People from the Caucasus: jewish Origins, Delusions, Deceptions and Historical Role in the Slave Trade, Genocide and Cultural Colonization |
Bradley |
1992 |
jewish originator of the Iceman theory applies the concept to Ashkenazi jews/Khazars and considers whether their ancestors are to a greater degree than average non-human neanderthal stock, explaining their aggressive behaviour. |
Mysteres et Secrets du B'nai B'rith: La plus importante organisation juive internationale |
Ratier |
1993 |
A close look at the machinations of B'nai B'rith and the ADL of B'nai B'rith. Yet to be translated from French. jews have tried hard to buy up all copies. |