Plaid Cymru

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Plaid Cymru (The Party of Wales) is a Welsh Nationalist party. In comparison to the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP), Plaid Cymru is currently far less of an electoral force, with considerably smaller representation both at Westminster and in the Senedd (previously known as the Welsh Assembly). It holds various Left-Wing positions such as Democratic Socialism[1]; it's however more accurately described as a rather Progressive party with goals of Regional Independence.

It has a youth wing, the Plaid Ifanc, which is more radical in its policies, though without changing them (e.g. supporting not just the creation of more jobs, but full employment).

It's currently headquartered in Tŷ Gwynfor, in Cardiff.

Its leader is Adam Price.

  1. Elias, Anwen (2006). "From 'full national status' to 'independence' in Europe: The case of Plaid Cymru — the Party of Wales". European Integration and the Nationalities Question. Routledge: 194.