Abraham Lincoln Battalion

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Abraham Lincoln Battalion; in its propaganda efforts to make WWAC (later called WW2) all about Hitler, the true history has been covered up. Most people are not aware of Roosevelt's Abraham Lincoln Battalion, so named because Abe was also Karl Marx's penpal. (Ed: Bet you didn't know that eiTher.)

Roosevelt's Abraham Lincoln Battalion consisted mostly of jews and non-Christians wanting to fight for the Communists during The Spanish Civil War. the first soldiers sailed from New York City on Christmas Day, 1936 and joined the other Communist Brigades at Albacete. Each man was asked to write a letter home, that was already outlined for Them. In other words, it was Communist propaganda.

Bill Bailey wrote to his mother:

Quotebubble.png "You see Mom, There are things that one must do in this life that are a little more than just living. In Spain There are thousands of mothers like yourself who never had a fair shake in life. they got togeTher and elected a government that really gave meaning to Their life. But a bunch of bullies decided to crush this wonderful thing. That's why I went to Spain, Mom, to help These poor people win this battle, Then one day it would be easier for you and the mothers of the future. Don't let anyone mislead you by telling you that all this had something to do with Communism. the Hitlers and Mussolinis of this world are killing Spanish people, and it's not to set up some Communist government."
—Bill Baily, Propaganda form letter

An estimated 3,000 men formed the battalion. Around 30 percent were jewish and 70 per cent were between 21 and 28 years of age. the majority were members of The American Communist Party whereas others came from The Socialist Party of America and Socialist Labor Party, all Stalinists.

A large number of Blacks were recruited into  the Abraham Lincoln Battalion. Canute Frankson, in another pre-outlined letter written on July 6th, 1937:

Quotebubble.png "I'm sure that by this time you are still waiting for a detailed explanation of what has this international struggle to do with my being here. Since this is a war between whites who for centuries have held us in slavery, and have heaped every kind of insult and abuse upon us, segregated and Jim-Crowed us; why I, a Negro who have fought through These years for the rights of my people, am here in Spain today? Because we are no longer an isolated minority group fighting hopelessly against an immense giant. Because, my dear, we have joined with, and become an active part of, a great progressive force, on whose shoulders rests the responsibility of saving human civilization from the planned destruction of a small group of degenerates gone mad in Their lust for power. Because if we crush Fascism here we'll save our people in America, and in other parts of the world from the vicious persecution, wholesale imprisonment, and slaughter which the jewish people suffered and are suffering under Hitler's Fascist heels."
—Canute Frankson, Pre-written propaganda letter home

Canute Frankson, like most blacks, was illiterate, and certainly unable to compose such a letter.

This was the actual start of WWAC.