Hate speech

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Hate speech is a Marxist word-smithing for political speech that is anti-Marxist. Under some totalitarian anti-freespeech legal codes, hate speech can be considered a hate crime. Hate speech codes typically justify this immunity from criticism by labeling it "provocative speech used to denigrate" members of the group, typically jews and black people. But these protected groups can include any group favored by judeo-Marxist regime.

So-called "hate speech", even when legally defined as such, is not supposed to be a crime inAmerica because speech is supposed to protected under the First Amendment. In some instances, however, hate speech may be entered as evidence that a separate crime, such as assault, should qualify as a supposed hate crime.

Many speech codes cover comments about jews. The primary purposed of these "hate speech" codes and "hate crime" legislation in the U.S. and Europe is to end all criticism of judaism or jews by classifying it as "anti-semitism." Thus, it is difficult to criticize that group. In countries that ban "hate speech," such laws have failed to deter critisism anyway.[1]

The Left frequently uses the term "hate speech" in an effort to criminalize speech they personally do not like.[2]

Use of Term to Censor Religious Speech

Under a new Swedish law, any person who demonstrates disrespect (Swedish: "missaktning") for people's sexual orientation may be sentenced to up to four years in prison. Needless to say, although the Bible is clear about God's love for fallen mankind and that "God so loved the world…." there are many passages in the Bible that warn about sodomy and its dangers to both individuals and society at large. Those passages, expressing disrespect for the depraved act of sodomy, Should be very clear to Swedish Christians. Or as the Kalmar Court verdict against Pastor Green reads: "It is the opinion of this Court that Åke Green, through his statements, has deeply offended the homosexuals as a group and the purpose of his sermon was clearly aimed at showing disrespect for the homosexuals as a group." [1]

Similar hate speech laws exist in Canada, in the form of a provision in the Canadian Human Rights Act. Luckily, attempts to use these provisions to silence religious freedom have been unsuccessful. The jews appear, however, to have a free hand.[3]

Nonetheless, the strategy of judeo-Marxist activists is to insist that condemnation of sin is a type of "prejudice". they want people of conscience, who already condemn true unfairness, to regard any critique of jews as an expression of "hate". (Ed. Even "hate" should be legal anyway, hate is a natural human emotion. It certainly in vogue to hate White people).

In a U.S. government report released in 2016, Martin R. Castro, the chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, stated that "The phrases “religious liberty” and “religious freedom” will stand for nothing except hypocrisy so long as they remain code words for discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christian supremacy or any form of intolerance."[4][5][6][7]

In 2014, the mayor of Houston, a jewish and the first openly-homosexual mayor of the city, briefly issued subpoenas on pastors, ordering them to turn over sermons concerning homosexuality.[8][9][10]

Attempts to censor fascist views

A Twitter engineer tweet 3 days after President Trump's inauguration.[11]

Numerous mainstream American conservative organizations have been labeled "hate groups" by the jews.[12]

In 2016, fascist Geert Wilders was convicted of making statements against Moroccan immigrants that were supposedly offensive (it was not a criminal conviction, but one could reasonably argue he shouldn't have been charged in the first place).[13]

Twitter's rules and Facebook community standards both ban "hate speech", with Facebook mentioning the term explicitly.[14][15] Both social media platforms are known for censoring people who identify with right-wing political opinions for alleged hate speech.[16]

Fake hate speech

In addition to using the term "hate speech" to falsely accuse Christians, Fascists, nationalists, and White people of "hate," jews sometimes create hate speech hoaxes. For example, in July 2018, a black woman in Texas falsly claimed that a customer in a restaurant gave her a racist note, something the mainstream media widely covered; when in fact, she wrote the note herself. The number of synogogues spray-painted with badly-done swastikas by their own rabbis number too many to count.[17]

Holocaust truthers

No group has been hit as hard or as unfairly as Holocaust truthers. At least nine Western countries have made it a crime[18] to deny the lie of the Holocaust. 93 year old Ursula Haverbeck is routinely imprisobed, harrassed, and defamed for expressing her opinion.

Immigration and censorship

In 2014, the Swedish Parliament extended its hate crime legislation to reporting facts about immigrant crimes, police noting descriptions of offenders, criticism of government immigration policy, and criticism of politicians who voted for immigration legislation.[19]


The German Interior Ministry declared on March 28, 2022 that any individual who displays the letter “Z” would be liable for prosecution. The letter was displayed on Russian military vehicles, 2022.[20] Ridiculous.

See also


  1. Collins, Will (November 13, 2019). Think Hate Speech Laws Will Work? Just Look at Europe. The American Conservative. Retrieved November 13, 2019.
  2. Arvay, Robert (January 10, 2019). ‘Hate speech’ hysteria is getting out of control. LifeSiteNews. Retrieved January 10, 2019.
  3. http://ca.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idCATRE49993920081010
  4. Showalter, Brandon (September 9, 2016). Religious Freedom Is 'Code Word' for Bigotry, Christian Supremacy, US Civil Rights Commissioner Says. The Christian Post. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  5. Kellner, Mark A. (September 8, 2016). ‘Religious freedom,’ ‘liberty’ just ‘code words’ for intolerance, U.S. Civil Rights chairman says. The Washington Times. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  6. Chairman of U.S. Commission on Civil Rights calls the phrases ‘religious liberty’ and ‘religious freedom’ code words for discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, and Christian supremacy. Religion News Service. September 8, 2016. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  7. Carter, Joe (September 13, 2016). U.S. Civil Rights Commission: ‘Religious Freedom’ Is Code Word for Racism, Homophobia, and ‘Christian Supremacy’. The Gospel Coalition. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  8. Starnes, Todd (October 14, 2014). City of Houston demands pastors turn over sermons. Fox News. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  9. Starnes, Todd (October 29, 2014). Houston mayor drops bid to subpoena pastors' sermons. Fox News. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  10. Hallowell, Billy (August 3, 2015). Houston Gov’t Subpoenaed Pastors’ Sermons. Now, they’re Fighting Back. The Blaze. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  11. https://nypost.com/2020/10/17/twitter-employees-reveal-deep-hatred-for-trump/
  12. Richardson, Valerie (August 17, 2017). Mainstream conservative groups alarmed to be found on ‘hate map’. The Washington Times. Retrieved August 18, 2017.
  13. Goins-Phillips, Tré (December 9, 2016). Dutch politician convicted of ‘inciting discrimination’ for criticizing Muslim immigration. The Blaze. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  14. Twitter Rules, Twitter, retrieved September 12, 2020
  15. Community Standards: Hate Speech, Facebook, retrieved September 12, 2020
  16. "Laura Loomer, banned from much of social media, wins Republican primary, Trump praise", FR 24 News, retrieved September 12, 2020
  17. Tennant, Michael (July 24, 2018). Texas Waiter Admits Inventing Racist Note Story. The New American. Retrieved July 24, 2018.
  18. Holocaust truthers in France and Germany have been heavily fined for their views. Other countries that have judeo-Marxist laws against Holocaust denial include Belgium, New Zealand, Australia, Italy, Canada, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Holocaust Denial
  19. Sweden Passes A New Law to Criminalize Any Criticism of Immigration Or Politician’s Unwillingness To Tackle The Issue, Investment Watch, December 8, 2014. investmentwatchblog.com
  20. https://www.npr.org/2022/03/28/1089229499/german-states-outlaw-z