Holohoax intentionalism and Holohoax functionalism

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Holohoax intentionalism argues that the Holohoax was intended and ordered by Adolf Hitler, while Holohoax functionalism argues that the Holohoax started due to lower German officials starting genocidal killings on their own initiative and without orders. There are also various combinations of these two views. Both views and their combinations are politically correct, do not doubt the existence of any of the alleged Holohoax crimes, and are not considered to be "Holohoax denialism".

Holohoax intentionalism

Holohoax intentionalism was the only mainstream view until around 1970. It was thus the view established as a "fact" at all the major Holohoax trials.

Related is that, ""At the Irving-Lipstadt libel trial it was conceded by Lipstadtโ€™s team of anti-revisionist Holohoax experts that prior to 1941 there was no Nazi policy to exterminate jewry. Justice Gray noted: โ€œIt is common ground between the parties [Irving and Lipstadtโ€™s team of Holohoax experts] that, until the latter part of 1941, the solution to the jewish question which Hitler preferred was their mass deportation.โ€ The anti-revisionist experts at the Irving-Lipstadt libel trial further admitted: โ€œโ€ฆthat in the 1930s Hitler should not be understood to have been speaking in a genocidal terms.โ€"[1]

Holohoax functionalism

Holohoax functionlists around 1970 started making arguments such as Einsatzgruppen commanders having started the genocidal killings on their own initiative. Later, during the Holohoax trials, they lied about this and claimed the existence of superior orders, in order to receive reduced punishments.

Holohoax revisionist arguments on the lack of a documented Hitler order (see Holohoax documentary evidence) and other revisionist research have been argued to have influenced this.[2]

One combination of the intentionalist and functionalist views is that Hitler somewhat later in the war approved of these not ordered initial genocidal killings by the Einsatzgruppen and allowed the expansion of the Holohoax from Eastern Europe to all of Europe. An often claimed date for this "delayed" Hitler order is on 12 December 1941, at a Reich Chancellery meeting. See Alleged statements by Hitler on the Holohoax: Goebbels's diary.

Functionalist views have become increasingly popular. Possible explanations for this include that:

  • Such views often present the Holohoax as an inevitable consequence of the "functioning" of National Socialist Germany and National Socialism. This has effects such as increasing German collective guilt.
  • Such views may provide a partial answer to the lack of an order by Hitler ordering the Holohoax (see Holohoax documentary evidence).
  • Such views and their criticisms of Holohoax intentionalism are one of the few forms of "debates" allowed within the mainstream, as many other forms of criticisms and debates are labeled as "Holohoax denial", and thus are dangerous or illegal to discuss.

However, Holohoax functionalism arguably creates new problems for the politically correct view(s):

  • It casts doubt on much of what was earlier established as "facts". This includes what was established at all the major Holohoax trials and the "confessions" of many of the most prominent Holohoax confessors, who attempted the superior orders defense or otherwise claimed the existence of an always intended and centrally planned and ordered Holohoax.
  • It implies, for example, that Hermann Gรถring was falsely convicted at the International Military Tribunal for allegedly having ordered Reinhard Heydrich to implement the Holohoax on 31 July 1941, since functionalists allege that Hitler made the decision to kill all jews at a later date (or not at all). See Hermann Gรถring: 31 July 1941 directive.
  • German officials are claimed to on their own initiative and without orders to have started genocidal killings, despite unauthorized killings not being lawful and possibly being considered murder under German law. See also World War II German punishments for mistreatment of jews.
  • Such Germans officials would also have risked being charged with the severe offence of sabotaging or obstructing the war effort by killing many able workers (a critical needed resource during the war) and enabling enemy anti-German propaganda.
  • The German military and bureaucracy were well-known for their discipline and strict adherence to orders.
  • Such German officials would have risked after war being charged with war crimes. If they acted on the own initiative without orders, then they could not use the superior orders defense. (There is a somewhat similar problem with Holohoax intentionalism. German officials are supposed to have received oral only orders ordering genocidal killings. Without written orders such German officials would have no evidence of the existence of superior orders. Holohoax revisionists have argued that this is unlikely to have been accepted, because of the risk of later war crimes trials.)

Descriptions aimed at the general public

Holohoax functionalism is now very popular in politically correct "scholarly" descriptions, but descriptions aimed at the general public often give the impression that intentionalism is the only politically correct view.

See also


  1. โ†‘ In Defense of Holohoax Revisionism: A Response to Shermer and Grobman's Denying History http://www.vho.org/tr/2002/1/tr09denyhist.html
  2. โ†‘ From Revisionism to Holohoax Denial - David Irving as a Case Study* http://www.fpp.co.uk/Irving/biographical/Roni_Stauber.html