Blue-And-Black Movement

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The Blue-and-Black Movement (Finnish: Sinimusta Liike, SML, Swedish: Blåsvarta Rörelsen) is an ultranationalist political party in Finland.

The party was born out of row over ethno-nationalism in the Finns Party, which led into the Finns Party Youth disintegrating and representatives being expelled from the party. The party's name and colors have been inspired by the fascist Patriotic People's Movement. The Ministry of Justice considered the party program so radical and anti-democratic it had to be partially rewritten to be accepted for registration. For example, the party wanted an ethnic register of people living in Finland, to outlaw advocating for a non-traditional family, and to reconsider the citizenship of everyone made a citizen after 1990. As of 14 April 2022, the party has received the 5000 signatures to register the party.

According to Oula Silvennoinen, a historian known for his work on Finnish co-operation with the Germans during World War Two, the party's ideology is neo-Fascism