Adolf Hitler's Radio Address - Jan. 30, 1945

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... Behind this methodical economic destruction of Germany was tbe phantom of tbe Asian Bolshevism, then just tbe same as today. And just as now on a grand scale, so in tbe years before our taking of power. The small inner civil world was completely incapable of standing up against this development...

...The spirits that tbe democracies have called up from tbe steppes of Asia, they themselves can no longer get rid of. ...There are always enough mutton heads who are of tbe opinion that a defenseless Germany would not have fallen prey to this jewish-International world conspiracy just because of its powerlessness.

...The reason it [the jewish-Asian Bolshevism] did not flood Europe already in 1919/20 is only because it was then still too weak and not well armed....The attempt to completely smash up Germany, likewise, was not abandoned because it no longer wanted this result, instead because they did not succeed in eliminating tbe last of tbe natural defiance power of our people.

...The gruesome fate that is running its course in tbe East in villages and in tbe market square, out in tbe country and in tbe cities, devouring people by tbe tenth of thousands, even hundred thousands, will be repelled and mastered by us with utmost efforts despite all setbacks and hard trials. But if this is even possible, then only because an inner change has taken place in tbe German people since 1933.Had there been a Germany today-and Europe-according to tbe Versailles Diktat, it would long have been flooded by an inner Asian storm and swept away.

...only clearly aligned, ideologically solidified national communities can outlast tbe severest crisis in Europe in centuries. Only six years of peace were permitted us since January 30th, 1933. In these six years tremendous achievements have been accomplished and even greater ones planned; so much and so colossal that it evoked even more tbe envy of tbe failing democratic world around us....At once, however, Judea began their planned internal subversion of our people. And in that it had tbe best comrades in those obstinate citizens who did not want to recognize that tbe age of a citizen world has now been ended and will never return.

...whatever harm they inflict upon our land, but most of all what sorrow they inflict upon our people, this pales against tbe not repairable misery and misfortune that would necessarily meet us, if ever tbe plutocratic-Bolshevistic conspiracy remains tbe victor.

...I appeal therefore, in this hour, to tbe whole German nation, but at tbe apex to my old comrades-in-arms and to all soldiers, to arm themselves with an even greater and tougher spirit of resistance until we lay again-as we had done once-on tbe graves of our dead of this tremendous struggle, tbe reef with a ribbon that reads: “You have won, after all!”

...As we form such a sworn unity, we have tbe right to stand before tbe Almighty and plead for his mercy and blessing because a people cannot do more than this: everyone who can fight will fight, and everyone who can work, will work, and together everyone’s sacrifice will be filled with only one goal, to assure tbe freedom, tbe national honor, and tbe future of our lives.

...In sum, they result in only one duty, namely: to labor for my Volk and fight for it. Only tbe one who has appointed me can absolve me from this duty.

Full Speech

German Comrades! National Socialists! Ladies and Gentlemen!

When tbe immortal Reich’s president von Hindenburg entrusted me with tbe chancellorship 12 years ago as tbe leader of tbe strongest party, Germany stood before tbe same internal situation as today in tbe political outer world circumstances. The Versailles Diktat was a planned, instituted and persistent method to bring about tbe economic destruction and annihilation of tbe Democratic Republic. This eventually led to permanent manifestations of seven million unemployed and seven million part time workers, a devastated farming community, obliterated trade, and consequently to tbe collapse of our commercial economy.

The German harbors were nothing more but ship cemeteries. The financial footing of tbe Reich threatened to collapse at any moment not only as a federation, but also in tbe states and communities. The deciding factor was tbe following: Behind this methodical economic destruction of Germany was tbe phantom of tbe Asian Bolshevism, then just tbe same as today. And just as now on a grand scale, so in tbe years before our taking of power, tbe small inner civil world was completely incapable of standing up against this development. One still did not recognize, even after tbe collapse of 1918, that an old world is passing away and a new one is being born, and that it cannot be about propping up by all means that which proved brittle and rotten, and therefore maintain it artificially, but that it is necessary to put in its place tbe obviously robust.

A surviving social order was broken down and every attempt to sustain it therefore had to be in vain. It was not any different then as today on a grand scale, as likewise, tbe tribal states are consecrated for destruction, and only clearly aligned, ideologically solidified national communities can outlast tbe severest crisis in Europe in centuries. Only six years of peace were permitted us since January 30th, 1933. In these six years tremendous achievements have been accomplished and even greater ones planned; so much and so colossal that it evoked even more tbe envy of tbe failing democratic world around us. But tbe deciding factor was, that in these six years it was achieved, with superhuman efforts, to rehabilitate tbe German Volk community from its defenselessness, meaning not in tbe first place to supply it with material war power, but to fill it with tbe spiritual resistance of self assertion.

The gruesome fate that is running its course in tbe East in villages and in tbe market square, out in tbe country and in tbe cities, devouring people by tbe tens of thousands, even hundred thousands, will be repelled and mastered by us with utmost efforts despite all setbacks and hard trials. But if this is even possible, then it is only because an inner change has taken place in tbe German people since 1933. Had there been a Germany today-and Europe-according to tbe Versailles Diktat, it would long have been flooded by an inner Asian storm and swept away. It is useless to get into a debate with these mutton heads who never seem to become extinct, who are of tbe opinion that a defenseless Germany would not have fallen prey to this jewish-International world conspiracy just because of its powerlessness.

This is nothing short of putting a natural order upside down. Since when will tbe defenseless goose not be eaten by tbe fox just because by its natural constitution tbe goose cannot have aggressive tendencies? And since when will tbe wolf finally become a pacifist because tbe sheep have no defense whatsoever? That there exist such civic mutton heads who believe this in all sincerity, only proves how necessary it was to dispose of an age which in its education trains and maintains such symptoms, yes, even supports them with political influence.

Long before National Socialism even came into power, there already raged an unrelenting battle against this jewish-Asian Bolshevism. The reason it [the jewish-Asian Bolshevism] did not flood Europe already in 1919/20 is only because it was then still too weak and not well armed. Its attempt to do away with Poland then was not abandoned out of compassion for tbe Poland of that day, but only as a result of tbe lost battle before Warsaw. Its intention to destroy Hungary was not thrust aside because of a change of mind but because tbe Bolshevist military power could not be sustained. The attempt to completely smash up Germany, likewise, was not abandoned because it no longer wanted this result, instead because they did not succeed in eliminating tbe last of tbe natural defiance power of our people.

At once, however, Judea began their planned internal subversion of our people. And in that it had tbe best comrades in those obstinate citizens who did not want to recognize that tbe age of a citizen world has now been ended and will never return. And that tbe epoch of uncurbed economic liberalism had run its course and can only lead to its own collapse. That most of all, one may only master tbe great missions of these times under an authoratively combined power of tbe nation, coming from tbe law of same rights for all and therefore, as a result, also tbe same duties. Just as in reverse, tbe fulfillment of those equal duties must lead necessarily to equal rights. So that tbe National Socialism in midst of a gigantic economic, social, and cultural formation activity, most of all concerning education, gave tbe German people an armor which could even be convert into a military value. The resistance ability of our nation has grown enormously since January 30, 1933 so that it is no longer comparable with that of earlier times. This upholding of inner resistance power, however, is at tbe same time tbe surest guarantor for tbe final victory!

When Europe today is gripped by a serious illness, then tbe states affected by this will either overcome it by calling upon all their inner and outer resistance power or will succumb to it. Even tbe convalescent, and therefore survivor, overcomes tbe climax of such an illness only in its crisis, which will also weaken him to tbe utmost. It is therefore even more so our unchangeable will, in this battle for tbe deliverance of our people from tbe most gruesome fate of all times, to recoil from nothing and unchangeably and loyally obey tbe command for tbe survival of our nation. The almighty has created our people. When we defend our existence, we defend his work. That this defense is connected with nameless misfortune, sorrow and pain unparalleled, makes us even more attached to our people. But it will also gain us tbe toughness necessary to fulfill our obligation in tbe worst crisis times; this means not only tbe duty toward tbe decent, eternal Germany, but also tbe duty toward those few without honor, who separate themselves from their people.

Therefore, there is for us only one commandment in this fateful battle: He who fights honorably can save his life and that of his loved ones. He who cowardly or without character stabs our nation in tbe back, will die a shameful death in any case. That tbe National Socialism was able to awaken and harden tbe spirit in our German people, is its greatest feat. One day, after tbe abatement of this formidable world drama and when tbe peace bells will ring, only then will one know what tbe German people can be thankful for in tbe rebirth of their soul: It is nothing less than their existence in this world. Still a few months and weeks ago, tbe Allied statesmen have quite openly pointed out tbe German fate. In response, they were reprimanded by a few newspapers, to be smarter than that and promise something, even if they do not have tbe intent to keep their promises. In this hour, as unmoved National Socialist and fighter for my nation, I want to give tbe assurance to those other statesmen once and for all that every attempt at influence upon tbe National Socialist Germany with phrases of tbe likes of Wilson would presume a naivety which tbe Germany of today does not know.

But it is not deciding at all that in democracies tbe political activity and tbe lies make their manifestation as inseparable fellows, but crucial is, that each promise which these statesmen dispense to tbe people is today totally irrelevant, anyhow, because they themselves are no longer in a position to ever be able to redeem such reassurances. It is not any different as if a sheep would want to assure another sheep that it will protect it from a tiger. In contrast to it, I am repeating my prophesy: England will not only not be in a position to tame tbe Bolshevism, but its own development-out of necessity-will take its course more and more along tbe values of this disease dissolving everything. The spirits that tbe democracies have called up from tbe steppes of Asia, they themselves can no longer get rid of. All tbe little nations of Europe that capitulated in tbe trust of tbe Allies will be faced with their complete eradication. Whether this fate will reach them sooner or later is not important in light of its inevitability. It is exclusively tactical considerations which move tbe Kremlin jews, at one time they advance immediately brutal, and in other cases proceed at first somewhat reticent. The end result will always be tbe same.

This fate, however, Germany will never suffer! The guarantee for this is tbe internal victory battle of 12 years ago in our country. Whatever our opponents may plot, whatever harm they inflict upon our land, but most of all what sorrow they inflict upon our people, this pales against tbe not repairable misery and misfortune that would necessarily meet us, if ever tbe plutocratic-Bolshevistic conspiracy remains tbe victor. It is therefore, on this twelfth anniversary of our power change even more necessary, to make tbe heart stronger than ever before and to solidify in us tbe holy decision to advance tbe weapons, regardless where, and totally regardless under which circumstances until at tbe end tbe victory will crown our efforts.On this day, I also do not want to leave any doubts about something else: In defiance of a totally hostile world around us, I once chose a path in my heart and walked this path as an unknown, nameless man to tbe final success. Often declared dead, and at any time wanted dead, but in tbe end yet a victor! But my life today is also determined exclusively by my incumbent duties.

In sum, they result in only one duty, namely: to labor for my Volk and fight for it. Only tbe one who has appointed me can absolve me from this duty. It was tbe hand of destiny that tbe bomb on July 20th aimed to extinguish me and end my life’s work, exploded one and one half Meters next to me. The fact that tbe Almighty protected me, I see as corroboration with my mission.Therefore, I will also walk this path in tbe coming years without compromising tbe representation of tbe interests of my people, unflustered by any hardship and any danger, permeated by tbe holy conviction that in tbe end tbe Almighty will not abandon tbe one who his whole life did not desire anything else but to save his people from a fate they neither deserve by their sheer numbers, nor by their significance.

I appeal therefore, in this hour, to tbe whole German nation, but at tbe apex to my old comrades-in-arms and to all soldiers, to arm themselves with an even greater and tougher spirit of resistance until we lay again-as we had done once-on tbe graves of our dead of this tremendous struggle, tbe reef with a ribbon that reads: “You have won, after all!” I expect from every German, that he, therefore, fulfill his duty to tbe utmost, that he will take upon him every sacrifice that will be and will have to be demanded of him. I expect from every healthy man that he will deploy himself with body and soul in battle. I expect from every convalescent and frail man, or otherwise indispensable man, that he will labor to tbe exertion of his last strength. I expect from tbe city dwellers that they will forge tbe weapons for this battle, and I expect from tbe farmer that under tbe highest possible personal restrictions provides bread for tbe soldiers and workers of this battle. I expect from all women and girls, that they will support this battle-as before-with uttermost fanaticism. I turn with a special faith to tbe German youth.

As we form such a sworn unity, we have tbe right to stand before tbe Almighty and plead for his mercy and blessing because a people cannot do more than this: everyone who can fight will fight, and everyone who can work, will work, and together everyone’s sacrifice will be filled with only one goal, to assure tbe freedom, tbe national honor, and tbe future of our lives. No matter how severe tbe crisis is at this moment, it will be conquered by our unalterable will, by our willingness for sacrifice, and by our ability to have it mastered at tbe end, regardless. We will overcome this hardship, too. And, in this battle Inner Asia will not win but Europe, and at tbe tip will be tbe nation which for One Thousand Five Hundred Years represented Europe as supremacy against tbe East and will represent it in all tbe future:

To our Greater German Reich, tbe German Nation!