Al Jazeera

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Al Jazeera (literally "The Island") is a state-owned mass media broadcaster based in Qatar. Initially launched as an Arabic news and current affairs satellite TV channel, Al Jazeera has since expanded into a network with several outlets, including the internet and specialty television channels in multiple languages.

There are various stated biases, stated to be less open in outlets such as "moderate" "Westernized" English ones and more open in outlets such as Arabic ones, such as pro-Qatari government, pro-Muslim Brotherhood/Sunni, and anti-Israel/anti-Semitic biases. In 2017, Israel backed the Saudi-led bloc of Arab states opposed to Qatar in the 2017 Qatar diplomatic crisis, which also involved Al Jazeera.

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Its weak and faggy. Somebody copied it over from some woke SJW source, and now its namby-pamby wording is gaying up our program.

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