Anti-Racist Hitler

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The image of the cover of the short 10 minute film Anti-Racist Hitler created and produced by White Rabbit Radio in 2013 as a way to teach what Anti-Racism really is

Anti-Racist Hitler is a 10 minute short film created by Matt the White Rabbit aka White Rabbit Radio in 2013 as a way to explain and teach what Anti-Racism is really about and what it can lead to if it were practiced.


In this hilarious allegorical animation, Adolf Hitler, after escaping to Argentina, has second thoughts about racism and decided to become anti-racist and pro-immigration. He tells the people of Israel, in the words of Barbara Specter, that Israel must learn to be multicultural if it is to survive. Anyone complaining about their own people being displaced is accused of being racist.

Education from film

The film is to teach and show what Anti-Racism is and what the after effect would be like if the idea took power. It simply explains that being proud of who you are, loving your people, and believe in preserving the future of your people is considered "racist" as if it were a bad thing. Anti-Racism allows Multiculturalism/Race Mixing, Diversity, and immigration which are meant to over populate over a group of people and replace them with other races.

Link to video