Direct Action Everywhere

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Direct Action Everywhere or DxE is a very radical Left-wing, Vegan Anarchist, and animal rights activist organization that was found in 2013 by Wayne Hsiung and Paul Darwin Fry . They are affiliated with another radical Left Wing group called PETA and use their ideology, tactics and methods to advocate for animal rights. They focus their efforts on taking direct action and using various forms of activism to promote veganism and animal rights.


After the founding in 2013, the group became a part of the wider animal rights movement and started using actions and tactics that draw in headlines and create media attention. They soon began to associate with Peta but do not necessarily act or campaign in the same ways. It is based in California and is a non-profit animal rights group. The group is known to be a very radical leftist group and is seen by many as being extreme in their activism for animal rights.


Direct Action Everywhere is known for taking drastic measures and engaging in extreme tactics to promote their message of animal rights. Some of these extreme tactics include but are not limited to: civil disobedience, vandalizing, blocking the streets, blocking the entrance of factories, farms, stores and other places that are seen as abusing or exploiting animals, sitting in the middle of traffic, disrupting events or speeches given by people who disagree with their activism, and in some cases have even stolen and rescued various animals that they feel are being mistreated which is false.


Direct Action Everywhere believes in the abolishment of the animal industries to free animals from any form of so called "domestic abuse" believing they are as innocent as humans. They also want to ban all meat, dairy, and egg industries from producing animal products to be shipped to and being sold in stores. They call anyone who eats meat an "animal abuser" and will want to harass and intimidate them. Due to their tactics and belief system they promote both Veganism and Anarchy at the same time. They even mention that they are revolutionaries.


The group has been criticized and labeled as terrorists by officials within the livestock industry and many other critics of the group. They have also been criticized and labeled as terrorists by the US Department of Homeland Security, and they were featured among the "Threats to Animal Rights and Environmental Activists: 2017" report.

Introduction of the group